Thursday, May 19, 2011

Daily Kos: ALEC & Koch's Agenda becomes clearer - as do connections to them...

Daily Kos: ALEC & Koch's Agenda becomes clearer - as do connections to them...

Posted on Defend Wisconsin by | Sierra C. Nolan

Long piece, but: connection between police state and the prison profiteers who own our current crop of GOP legislators?
Daily Kos: ALEC & Koch's Agenda becomes clearer - as do connections to them...
More privatization in the news and no matter what is being privatized one or more of ALEC's "special friend" corporate members stand to profit from such efforts. In addition we have the Koch's now discovered influencing education provided in our public universities. My my, them folks are certainly

"The pursuit of profits for ALEC member's CCA and Geo, from imprisonment drove ALEC to conspire on the writing and presenting SB 1070 legislation first in Arizona and now in more than 20 other states. Since the 2010 election cycle they have worked to expand prison privatization in Florida, Wisconsin, Ohio, Maine, Michigan and several other Republican held states. This is similar to the initiatives of ALEC and Koch Industries discrediting global warming and other important EPA claims. They believe if they say it often enough, people will begin to believe their rhetoric...or if not that, the arguments will become so complex and confusing to the public they'll lose interest in the discussion."