Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Occupy Milwaukee | is at Garden Park in Riverwest, corner of Locust and Bremen. it is a cold wet day and they haven't had any hot food today.

Occupy Milwaukee
"Occupy Milwaukee is at Garden Park in Riverwest, corner of Locust and Bremen. it is a cold wet day and they haven't had any hot food today. Please bring anything to help waterproof and keep warm, and some good company down to Garden Park today! Aviva Crsty

Wake up sounds- the...

Wake up sounds- the...

My Advice to the Occupy Wall Street Protesters | Politics News | Rolling Stone

My Advice to the Occupy Wall Street Protesters | Politics News | Rolling Stone
"No matter what, I'll be supporting Occupy Wall Street. And I think the movement's basic strategy – to build numbers and stay in the fight, rather than tying itself to any particular set of principles – makes a lot of sense early on. But the time is rapidly approaching when the movement is going to have to offer concrete solutions to the problems posed by Wall Street. To do that, it will need a short but powerful list of demands. There are thousands one could make, but I'd suggest focusing on five:..." Matt Taibbi | Rolling Stone

How Occupy Wall Street Really Got Started | Mother Jones

How Occupy Wall Street Really Got Started | Mother Jones
"In America, we march, we chant, we protest, we picket, we sit in. But the notion of a people's general assembly is a bit foreign. Put simply, it's a leaderless group of people who get together to discuss pressing issues and make decisions by pure consensus. The term "horizontal" gets tossed around to describe general assemblies, which simply means there's no hierarchy: Everyone stands on equal footing. Occupy Wall Street's daily assemblies shape how the occupation is run, tackling issues such as cleaning the park, public safety, and keeping the kitchen running. Smaller working groups handle media relations, outreach, sanitation, and more. In Spain, general assemblies are hugely popular, forming not just in the cities but in individual neighborhoods, bringing a few hundred people together each week. In some cases, Spanish assemblies have been formed to stop home evictions or immigrant raids." Andy Kroll

Occupy Chicago After Arrests: We Will Re-Occupy | Common Dreams

Occupy Chicago After Arrests: We Will Re-Occupy | Common Dreams
"So what’s next for Occupy Chicago? How will the City and the movement respond to the arrests? “It is a morally reprehensible and politically unsustainable system we find ourselves in,” said Bohrer. “The arrests do not negatively impact the ideas or spirit of the movement. It [the arrests] just makes more visible the state apparatus [that protects the financial sector]. Our civil disobedience protest is against the way the political and economic system co-constitute each other. We will re-occupy.”"

Tea Party Founder Karl Denninger Backs #OccupyWallStreet | AmpedStatus

Tea Party Founder Karl Denninger Backs #OccupyWallStreet | AmpedStatus

Dante’s inferno: massive riots in Rome — pictures and videos | Reflections on a Revolution ROAR

Dante’s inferno: massive riots in Rome — pictures and videos | Reflections on a Revolution ROAR