Thursday, March 17, 2011

Angry pro-union protesters storm DC

Thanks Russia Today

The #US #Gov wants to Investigate Bank of America using Anonymous

As Tweeted:
OperationLeakS Anonymous
by anonwolf
#BlackMonday The #US #Gov wants to Investigate Bank of America using #anonymous as it's tool? #Retweet

Anti-Union Wisconsin Republican Wants Bill to Stop Picketing of Politician’s Homes |

Anti-Union Wisconsin Republican Wants Bill to Stop Picketing of Politician’s Homes |

WMC fights back, urges 'Buy Wisconsin' - JSOnline

WMC fights back, urges 'Buy Wisconsin' - JSOnline

Consumer Vents At Target For Right-Wing Donation | The UpTake

Consumer Vents At Target For Right-Wing Donation | The UpTake

Footage from Tractor Parade Around Wisconsin State Capitol on Saturday | The UpTake

Footage from Tractor Parade Around Wisconsin State Capitol on Saturday | The UpTake

Rep has suggestions for a woman who chose abortion - The UpTake -

Rep has suggestions for a woman who chose abortion - The UpTake -

Wisconsin Democratic State Rep. Pocan Pens Open Letter to Fitzgerald Brothers | The UpTake

Wisconsin Democratic State Rep. Pocan Pens Open Letter to Fitzgerald Brothers | The UpTake

Blogger: W.W.I.N. - Publish Status

Blogger: W.W.I.N. - Publish Status

Gov. Walker’s Budget Repair Bill Will Most Adversely Affect Wisconsin Minorities | The UpTake

Gov. Walker’s Budget Repair Bill Will Most Adversely Affect Wisconsin Minorities | The UpTake

Meet the Koch Brothers’ Future Union-Busters | The UpTake

Meet the Koch Brothers’ Future Union-Busters | The UpTake

Press Catches MN GOP Using Debunked Ballots In Trunk Story | The UpTake

Press Catches MN GOP Using Debunked Ballots In Trunk Story | The UpTake

“This is What Democracy Looks Like” — Michigan Style | The UpTake

“This is What Democracy Looks Like” — Michigan Style | The UpTake

GOP 2012 theme: American 'decline' - Yahoo! News

GOP 2012 theme: American 'decline' - Yahoo! News

Meet US Uncut | The Nation

Meet US Uncut | The Nation

Cultural Resistance: Exposing the Colorlines

Cultural Resistance: Exposing the Colorlines

Come join a popular education rally to expose the harmful effects that the Walker proposed Budget Repair Bill and Budget will have on people of color workers and families in the state of Wisconsin.

Meet at Library Mall and march with us down State street to the Capitol.

Following the march, we will have musical performances, theater, spoken word and keynote speakers.
Wear RED and YELLOW as a way to show solidarity.

Help us take over the capitol with you presence!!!!!


Resistencia Cultural: Exponiendo las Lineas de Color

Vengan a una manifestacion de educacion popular para exponer los effectos perjudiciales que el Gobernador de Wisconsin, Walkera propuesto en su Propuesta de Ley para la Reparacion de el presupuesto de Wisconsin, y como esta ley affectara a nuestras familias y nuestra raza trabajadora de Wisconsin.

Favor de reunirse en Library Mall y marchar con nosotros por State Street hacia el Capitolio.

Despues de la marcha, tendremos presentaciones musicales, obras de teatro, poesia, y oradores.

Favor de ponerse ROJO y AMARILLO para demostrar solidaridad.

Ayudenos a ocupar el Capitolio con su presencia!!!!!!

Guggenheim Threatened With Boycott Over Abu Dhabi Project -

Guggenheim Threatened With Boycott Over Abu Dhabi Project -

American Voices Abroad Berlin | AVA-Berlin

American Voices Abroad Berlin | AVA-Berlin

Five Student Protesters Arrested at Michigan Capitol During Sit In

Five Student Protesters Arrested at Michigan Capitol During Sit In

Guilty Until Proven Innocent - Progress Michigan

Guilty Until Proven Innocent - Progress Michigan

Protestors hit Lansing to make their voices heard | lansing, hit, voices - WWMT NEWSCHANNEL 3

Protestors hit Lansing to make their voices heard | lansing, hit, voices - WWMT NEWSCHANNEL 3

A quiet -- not quite normal -- day at the Wisconsin Capitol - Isthmus | The Daily Page

A quiet -- not quite normal -- day at the Wisconsin Capitol - Isthmus | The Daily Page

USuncutDC (USuncutDC) on Twitter

USuncutDC (USuncutDC) on Twitter

Michigan Governor Plays Fast and Loose with Democracy, Invokes Radical New Powers - E.D. Kain - American Times - Forbes

Michigan Governor Plays Fast and Loose with Democracy, Invokes Radical New Powers - E.D. Kain - American Times - Forbes

Bonds Beating Illinois Debt Belie Walker's Assertion Wisconsin Is `Broke' - Bloomberg

Bonds Beating Illinois Debt Belie Walker's Assertion Wisconsin Is `Broke' - Bloomberg

Victory! Pedro Gutierrez Granted Stay of Deportation | News

Victory! Pedro Gutierrez Granted Stay of Deportation | News

Afraid to Watch the News, Millions Turn to Fox « Borowitz Report

Afraid to Watch the News, Millions Turn to Fox « Borowitz Report

Portrait Of A Protest: Madison, Wisconsin on Vimeo

Portrait Of A Protest: Madison, Wisconsin on Vimeo

Portrait Of A Protest: Madison, Wisconsin from Kevin J. Miyazaki on Vimeo.

"These portraits were made on the sidewalk outside the Wisconsin state capital building in Madison. During the protests, the unofficial theme, expressed in words, drum beats and car horns, has been, "This is what Democracy looks like!" This is what Democracy looked like to me, in the form of faces, signs, buttons, and hard hats." Kevin J. Miyazaki

Photographs © Kevin J. Miyazaki
Assistance by Michelle Nolan and Cheryl Lund
Music © Joe Dapier

Best Student Chants in the Michigan State Capitol Building Rotunda - 1

YouTube - First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy

YouTube - First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy

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Nosam Eninaj likes this.

Nosam Eninaj LOVE this. :-)
about an hour ago ·

Shawna Sheridan-Bouillet well now we have 120 people in four days. We are not about talking we are about doing look us up.
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 1 person

(this label is still underconstruction/but video is available for viewing).

YouTube - The Information Deception: The Truth about the Propaganda and Lies of the Mainstream Media

YouTube - The Information Deception: The Truth about the Propaganda and Lies of the Mainstream Media

Janesville - Rock County: New Local Blog - The Angry Middle Class

Janesville - Rock County: New Local Blog - The Angry Middle Class: "Here's a new blog from Janesville with plenty of passion and an interesting set of ideas, sample emails and a letter area residents should c..."

Wisconsin - Lawsuit Seeks to Void Labor Law -

Wisconsin - Lawsuit Seeks to Void Labor Law -

Timothy Durham, G.O.P. Fund-Raiser, Indicted in Ponzi Scheme -

Timothy Durham, G.O.P. Fund-Raiser, Indicted in Ponzi Scheme -

Guggenheim Threatened With Boycott Over Abu Dhabi Project -

Guggenheim Threatened With Boycott Over Abu Dhabi Project -

Published: March 16, 2011
"A group of more than 130 artists, including many prominent figures in the Middle Eastern art world, says it will boycott the $800 million Guggenheim museum being built in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, unless conditions for the foreign laborers at the site are improved."

The Key to Rebuilding Workers' Power: Unrig the Rules

"The list of rules that need changing is long, but this is where a successful effort to rebuild the middle class must focus its efforts. As long as the economy is rigged to redistribute income upward, tax and transfer policies designed to help the middle class and the poor will inevitably fail. The right knows this; if progressives can't learn this basic fact, then we are spinning our wheels no matter how angry and organized we get.

Dean Baker is co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research