Friday, October 14, 2011

Bev Occupywallst Richey

Bev Occupywallst Richey

So word is we don't even know what we are protesting for. Word is that we are bored and just looking for something to do.
So tell me folks, what are you protesting for, or getting ready to protest for ? — with Carl OccupyHouston Gibson and 19 othersDaniel Occupywallstreet Lee
Charity Occupytheplanet Ahhaitty
Doug Occupy Canada Potts
Jeffrey Occupywallstreet Miller
Jeanie Occupy WallSt Hooper
Christina Occupywallstreet Brummett
David OccupyWallst Ross
David Occupy Wallstreet Arcaine
Garrett Occupywallst Piersa
Di Ck Occupywallstreet
Jeremy Occupywallstreet Dinkens
Jess OccupyEverywhere Mayham
Emilia Occupywallstreet Cacerees
C.c. Occupy Everywhere All'aya
Alissa Occupy Kokkins
Bev Occupywallst Richey
Alex Occupywallstreet Smith
Amber Occupywallstreet Oestreich
Bob Occupy Hobson
    • Jeremy Occupywallstreet Dinkens No corporate money in politics, FAIR taxation from every source, Hold Wall Street accountable for the havoc they wreaked...

    • Amber Occupywallstreet Oestreich giving the people a voice and ending corporate corruption in politics

    • David Occupy Wallstreet Arcaine Those two sum it up for me. Once those are accomplished we can begin tackling other issues to make a better society for all

    • Bob Occupy Hobson Forbid "Esquires" corporate Politicians END THE FED! Stop the Wars NOW, including the drug war which has turned the world into a police state and taken away our liberties.

    • Bob Occupy Hobson Solution: Immediate Hemp/Cannabis farms Initiative to grow our own fuels,foods,fibers,paper,plastics,medicine,etc........ Power in the hands of the people,when the people grow the power.

    • Christina Occupywallstreet Brummett Money out of politics and MUCH less money spent on the Military-Industrial Complex. We need to get out of the wars NOW and use that money for education, clean energy, and job creation that doesn't involve killing people on the other side of the world.

"Occupy Wall Street Is A Thought Revolution - And It Won't Be Minimized" - MOC#83 - YouTube

"Occupy Wall Street Is A Thought Revolution - And It Won't Be Minimized" - MOC#83 - YouTube

"Bloomberg Didn't Evict Occupy Wall Street!" Demonstrators Cheer | Truthout

"Bloomberg Didn't Evict Occupy Wall Street!" Demonstrators Cheer | Truthout
" I caught up with two more TWU 100 members at OWS, Donald Yates and Earl Philips, who spoke on the link between the labor and civil rights struggles of the 1930s, '40s and '50s. "These youngsters," Earl said, "are our members; kids; their future is jeopardized." Earl says his grandparents fought in the labor struggles then and that today, people are waking up to the fact that "we need to start fighting again."

"Whatever direction it goes in, we stand with these youngsters," said Earl, and Donald concurred." Full Article Here | Truthout

The Public Option in Banking: Another Look at the German Model | Truthout

Eric Triffin likes a link.
The protest has mutated from an Adbusters culture-jamming tent-city to a brand monetized by a Wall Street-traded corporation."

The Yale Herald » Blog Archive » To the green: #occupyeverywhere comes to New Haven

The Yale Herald » Blog Archive » To the green: #occupyeverywhere comes to New Haven

Occupy Wall Street Protest: Help From Ghostbusters & Statue Of Liberty - YouTube

Occupy Wall Street Protest: Help From Ghostbusters & Statue Of Liberty - YouTube

An INTENSE moment of TRUTH with MAINSTREAM Media - YouTube

An INTENSE moment of TRUTH with MAINSTREAM Media - YouTube

Sarah HeathAlan Grayson on Occupy Wall Street

This is really good
The other panel members were Republicans. For most of the show, Alan just sat quietly, which really surprised and disappointed me. Then suddenly, he let them...

Students will “occupy” Occupy New Haven | Yale Daily News

Students will “occupy” Occupy New Haven | Yale Daily News

Students will “occupy” Occupy New Haven | Yale Daily News

Students will “occupy” Occupy New Haven | Yale Daily News