Prison inmates have replaced union workers in Racine County, Wisconsin, thanks to the changes to the states collective bargaining laws that went into effect at the end of June.
Save Jean Klock Park Clellen never got a response from Joe Harris to his letter of concerns about the park times and dates that it will be open and his further concerns about public access during special events. On June 7th, after 20 days of no response from Mr. Harris, a press release was issued.
You are only one, but you are ONE. Please consider adding your name to this letter to Pres. Obama regarding true shared sacrifice as our nation struggles so greatly and we the "regular people" feel its travail. Please....
This is a pivotal moment in the history of our country. Decisions are being made about the national budget that will impact the lives of virtually every American for decades to come. As we address the issue of deficit reduction we must not ignore the painful economic reality of today - which is that
I could still use another person or two for the Open Mic event on Thursday, put on by the Oregon Progressives at the Firefly Coffeehouse from 6-8. I have three people who have said they can make it (Peggy, Katrina, Susan), but a couple more people who are familiar with the songs would be great.
And do't forget about #100 on Friday. See you soon!
A bill to require California public schools to teach the historical accomplishments of gay men and lesbians passed the state Legislature on Tuesday in what supporters call a first for the nation.
SNAP!!! I got Jeff Stone to admit, on camera, that his voter disenfranchisement bill makes it so not a single student can vote in the primary!!! AMAZING!!! Video to be posted in an hour or two have to edit and upload still!!! I told y'all I was back!! Full post with comments here
Proposals to cut taxes and slash vital programs are getting more and more extreme. Big corporations are sitting on record piles of cash. About $1 trillion in tax cuts went to the richest one percent over the last decade. Wall Street has plowed its bailouts and tax cuts into speculating, enriching ex
Since 2008 the vast majority of the Western population dream about saying "no" to the banks, but no one has dared to do so. No one except the Icelanders, who have carried out a peaceful revolution that has managed not only to overthrow a government and draft a new constitution, but also seeks to jai
Wednesday the Federal Reserve released data on more than 21,000 loans and other deals it made through a dozen emergency programs created during the financial crisis. The Fed used trillions of dollars to stabilize the economy when the housing bubble burst and credit markets froze.
Yes....Right To Work for LESS is now being pushed through Lansing. They think they got a "mandate" in November--to do whatever they want--with only 40% of the state voting. You think it's just teacher and police and firefighter and EMS unions? Think again. The Corporatocracy wants NO unions......Public? Private? Makes no difference.
It’s not enough that Michigan’s Republican Gov. Rick Snyder took away basic democratic rights of cities and towns by imposing a “financial martial law” that can virtually abolish a local government in favor of an unelected Snyder appointee.
Prossergate becoming a 3-pronged crisis, One Wisconsin delivers 10,000 names to Supreme Court calling for Prosser to resign, Democrats unveil the weapon of the future, and more in this Prossergate news round up.
San Francisco LaborFest will present A MONTH IN MADISON: EYEWITNESS REPORTS FROM THE WISCONSIN PROTESTS on Saturday, July 9, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Marine Firemen’s Hall in San Francisco. A MONTH IN MADISON is an evening of short films from this year’s historic Wisconsin protests, curated and hosted by San Francisco documentarian Joan Juster, who spent a month in Madison on the front lines of the protests.
Once again, the good people of Seattle and the Great State of Washington stand in solidarity with Wisconsin with this incredible live-streamed music event supporting the working people of Wisconsin. The event will take place on Sunday, July 10, 9PM (Central Time). All proceeds go to the Senate recall election campaign.
Democracy Addicts created a video project to show the passion and dedication of all #wiunion supporters. The We’re Still Here Project wants to remind people that we love Wisconsin, that we stand up for what we believe in, and that We’re Still Here.
Anyone is invited to participate. Simply make a video explaining why you care, how this experience has changed you or how you’ve participated.
Senator Lena C. Taylor: Republicans released a bill that will strip Chief Justice Shirley Abrahamson of her title and place the title in election among the justices of the court. David Prosser would be eligible and a front-runner to the next Chief Justice. Why do this? They fear the longevity and reelections of Abrahamson and Bradley, the current chief and next eligible. An incredible power grab!