Friday, September 2, 2011
Mike McCabe and Barbara With 09/03 by The Sara Schulz Show | Blog Talk Radio
Ohio GOP takes further steps (that we can see) to steal next year’s election
Ohio GOP takes further steps (that we can see) to steal next year’s election (2 items)
"Husted challenges mailing of absentee ballots to voters by county
Conservation effort will protect 2,400 acres for a price tag of $7.3M.
By Ken McCall, Staff Writer2:26 AM Thursday, September 1, 2011
Ohio’s largest county voted this week to defy Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted on his directive prohibiting county boards of elections from mailing out absentee ballot applications to all registered voters.
But Husted, a Republican and former Kettering resident, said Wednesday in a meeting at the Dayton Daily News that Cuyahoga County doesn’t have the legal right to ignore his directive."
World of Class Warfare - The Poor's Free Ride Is Over - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 08/18/11 - Video Clip | Comedy Central
Daily Kos: EPA regulations save far more money than they cost
Doesn't this sound familiar, at this point? In an effort to cut tens of billions, we lose hundreds of billions?
Firing Rick Scott
Our Firing Rick Scott facebook page is almost to 10,000 likes! If you haven't liked it, go over there and do it. And, make sure to share this link with your friends/family
Jim Hansen: Call to President Obama - YouTube
League of Conservation Voters and 3 other
Shit Scott Walker Is Doing To My State
Tar Sands Action shared a link.
Beautiful video of NASA's lead climatologist, Dr. James Hansen, at the Tar Sands Action. Over 1,000 people have now been arrested at the White House to stop the Keystone XL pipeline and protect our future!
September 1, 1941 - A Word About Labor Day From FDR. | Newstalgia
Happy Labor Day everyone. Here is a clip worth discussing.
One Wisconsin Now
When jolly jurist Mike Gableman spoke to investigators, he recounted an incident with Ann Walsh Bradley saying that it was a month after he took office. Now he's saying, "Whoops, it was a year later." We say bullroar. What say you?
VIDEO: August congressional recess protests top 400 | Blog | Rebuild the Dream
"Regardless of the national media near-blackout, local news stations responded to what was happening in the own cities and towns, and we can at least take heart that on average, far more people watch their local news broadcasts over national network or cable news.
It’s strange that the national news whiffed on this story. After all, congressional approval ratings are at their worst in history – a meager 12% approve of the job Congress is doing, and it’s no secret why congressional poll numbers are sagging. Congress has turned away from jumpstarting the economy and toward negotiating just how much to cut from essential programs like Medicare and Social Security. Meanwhile, the anemic recovery of the past year has completely stalled, adding a net zero new jobs in August, and the unemployment remains stuck above 9%. The national news media has picked up on all of these individual facts, but they seem to have missed the wider narrative of voters actually pushing back on the ground against their representatives in Congress." Complete Post
VIDEO: August congressional recess protests top 400 | Blog | Rebuild the Dream
Amazing what folks around the country are doing! In Houston, they even held a funeral march for jobs outside a congressional office.
Welcome the Legislature back to the Capitol! (2)
Please spread the word.
Billing Information - PayPal
Darcy has set up a paypal account for "Wisconsin Counts" the new umbrella organization for this group and for WCEP among others. This is to help cover the costs for Fighting Bob Fest (both rentals, shipping for machines, T-shirt printing, etc.) Please consider donating today. Thank you ♥
Citizen Dave: Don't blame unions for Madison's budget challenges - Isthmus | The Daily Page
"What problems we face lie solely with Governor Walker and his slash and burn policies when it comes to state aids. Nonetheless, this budget can be balanced without laying off cops and firefighters or significantly reducing other city services, and without unwisely raiding the city's long-term savings account. A progressive government can get this done."
Grassroots People to Recall Gov. Walker
Here is the Signature Collector Sign Up event for members of this group and other supporters to SIGN UP to collect signatures to Recall Walker starting in Nov. Please click "attend", then invite FB friends whom you believe want to recall Walker, and also share on your FB page! Thanks so much!
@katiecouric: Inside Job - YouTube
Wisconsin Wire: New Break in Election Integrity Revealed, Protesters Demand Explanation | Addicting Info
Regarding the newest scandal...election software used in Waukesha county....“Mike Huebsch is the Secretary of the DOA. He is also former GOP leader and ALEC leader. It doesn’t take a PhD to see the conflict of interest in allowing any department run by such a highly partisan official anywhere near our election systems or software,”
The GOP War on Voting | Rolling Stone Politics
"As the nation gears up for the 2012 presidential election, Republican officials have launched an unprecedented, centrally coordinated campaign to suppress the elements of the Democratic vote that elected Barack Obama in 2008. Just as Dixiecrats once used poll taxes and literacy tests to bar black Southerners from voting, a new crop of GOP governors and state legislators has passed a series of seemingly disconnected measures that could prevent millions of students, minorities, immigrants, ex-convicts and the elderly from casting ballots. "What has happened this year is the most significant setback to voting rights in this country in a century," says Judith Browne-Dianis, who monitors barriers to voting as co-director of the Advancement Project, a civil rights organization based in Washington, D.C.
Republicans have long tried to drive Democratic voters away from the polls. "I don't want everybody to vote," the influential conservative activist Paul Weyrich told a gathering of evangelical leaders in 1980. "As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections quite candidly goes up as the voting populace goes down." But since the 2010 election, thanks to a conservative advocacy group founded by Weyrich, the GOP's effort to disrupt voting rights has been more widespread and effective than ever. In a systematic campaign orchestrated by the American Legislative Exchange Council – and funded in part by David and Charles Koch, the billionaire brothers who bankrolled the Tea Party – 38 states introduced legislation this year designed to impede voters at every step of the electoral process."
Read Full Article HereWI Citizens for Election Protection
Here is Jim Soper response to me about Germany and electronic voting machines, Nicole Desautels Schulte and Victoria Collier From: Jim Soper
Subject: Re: New message from Sheila Parks
To: Message Email Reply
Cc: Shiela Ruth Parks
This page is the official translation of the German court press release
You can read it and draw your own conclusions from it
Here is paragraph 121. The translations of key words are mine.
but you can check them, for example, here:
A Stimmzettel is a "ballot". Kontrolle means "check".
The paragraph winds up listing the kinds of devices that coule be used,
including VVPATS, and ballot scannors.
121: Der Gesetzgeber (legislature) ist nicht gehindert (not hinderd/barred ), bei den Wahlen (for elections) elektronische Wahlgeräte (electronic voting machines) einzusetzen, wenn die verfassungsrechtlich gebotene Möglichkeit einer zuverlässigen Richtigkeits kontrolle gesichert ist. Denkbar sind insbesondere Wahlgeräte, in denen die Stimmen neben der elektronischen Speicherung anderweitig erfasst werden. Dies ist beispielsweise (as an example) bei (with) elektronischen Wahlgeräten (Voting Machines) möglich (possible), die zusätzlich zur elektronischen Erfassung der Stimme ein für den jeweiligen Wähler sichtbares Papierprotokoll (voter-visible paper protocol, ie, a VVPAT ) der abgegebenen Stimme ausdrucken, das vor der endgültigen Stimmabgabe kontrolliert werden kann und anschließend (afterwards) zur Ermöglichung der Nachprüfung (reexamination) gesammelt wird. Eine von der elektronischen Stimmerfassung unabhängige Kontrolle bleibt auch (also) beim Einsatz von Systemen möglich, bei denen die Wähler einen Stimmzettel kennzeichnen und die getroffene Wahlentscheidung gleichzeitig (etwa mit einem „digitalen Wahlstiftââ€Å“ ...) oder nachträglich (z.B. durch einen Stimmzettel-Scanner; ...) elektronisch erfasst wird, um diese am Ende des Wahltages elektronisch auszuwerten."
I can come up with a mor thorough translation if needed.
Subject: Re: New message from Sheila Parks
To: Message Email Reply
Cc: Shiela Ruth Parks
This page is the official translation of the German court press release
You can read it and draw your own conclusions from it
Here is paragraph 121. The translations of key words are mine.
but you can check them, for example, here:
A Stimmzettel is a "ballot". Kontrolle means "check".
The paragraph winds up listing the kinds of devices that coule be used,
including VVPATS, and ballot scannors.
121: Der Gesetzgeber (legislature) ist nicht gehindert (not hinderd/barred ), bei den Wahlen (for elections) elektronische Wahlgeräte (electronic voting machines) einzusetzen, wenn die verfassungsrechtlich gebotene Möglichkeit einer zuverlässigen Richtigkeits kontrolle gesichert ist. Denkbar sind insbesondere Wahlgeräte, in denen die Stimmen neben der elektronischen Speicherung anderweitig erfasst werden. Dies ist beispielsweise (as an example) bei (with) elektronischen Wahlgeräten (Voting Machines) möglich (possible), die zusätzlich zur elektronischen Erfassung der Stimme ein für den jeweiligen Wähler sichtbares Papierprotokoll (voter-visible paper protocol, ie, a VVPAT ) der abgegebenen Stimme ausdrucken, das vor der endgültigen Stimmabgabe kontrolliert werden kann und anschließend (afterwards) zur Ermöglichung der Nachprüfung (reexamination) gesammelt wird. Eine von der elektronischen Stimmerfassung unabhängige Kontrolle bleibt auch (also) beim Einsatz von Systemen möglich, bei denen die Wähler einen Stimmzettel kennzeichnen und die getroffene Wahlentscheidung gleichzeitig (etwa mit einem „digitalen Wahlstiftââ€Å“ ...) oder nachträglich (z.B. durch einen Stimmzettel-Scanner; ...) elektronisch erfasst wird, um diese am Ende des Wahltages elektronisch auszuwerten."
I can come up with a mor thorough translation if needed.
- Sheila Parks and Susan Shamblin like this.
I really like this part: "The use of voting machines which electronically record the voters’ votes and electronically ascertain the election result only meets the constitutional requirements if the essential... steps of the voting and of the ascertainment of the result can be examined reliably and without any specialist knowledge of the subject. While in a conventional election with ballot papers, manipulations or acts of electoral fraud are, under the framework conditions of the applicable provisions, at any rate only possible with considerable effort and with a very high risk of detection, which has a preventive effect, programming errors in the software or deliberate electoral fraud committed by manipulating the software of electronic voting machines can be recognised only with difficulty. The very wide-reaching effect of possible errors of the voting machines or of deliberate electoral fraud make special precautions necessary in order to safeguard the principle of the public nature of elections.
The voters themselves must be able to understand without detailed knowledge of computer technology whether their votes cast are recorded in an unadulterated manner as the basis of vote counting, or at any rate as the basis of a later recount. If the election result is determined through computer-controlled processing of the votes stored in an electronic memory, it is not sufficient if merely the result of the calculation process carried out in the voting machine can be taken note of by means of a summarising printout or an electronic display."