Saturday, October 15, 2011
RETHINKING ......C A K E ..... not REALLY...this was always the idea....
RETHINKING ......C A K E .....
not REALLY...this was always the idea.....
Have a 100 % GLOBAL day !
Occupy Together Field Manual - Occupation Community Interdependence and Sustainability Information
We stumbled upon an "Occupy Together Field Manual" wiki that was started up. Let's help each other build this resource!
So word is we don't even know what we are protesting for.
So word is we don't even know what we are protesting for. Word is that we are bored and just looking for something to do.
So tell me folks, what are you protesting for, or getting ready to protest for ? — withLive link to the original post...|
Carl OccupyHouston Gibson
and 19 others
Daniel Occupywallstreet Lee
Charity Occupytheplanet Ahhaitty
Doug Occupy Canada Potts
Jeffrey Occupywallstreet Miller
Jeanie Occupy WallSt Hooper
Christina Occupywallstreet Brummett
David OccupyWallst Ross
David Occupy Wallstreet Arcaine
Garrett Occupywallst Piersa
Di Ck Occupywallstreet
Jeremy Occupywallstreet Dinkens
Jess OccupyEverywhere Mayham
Emilia Occupywallstreet Cacerees
C.c. Occupy Everywhere All'aya
Alissa Occupy Kokkins
Bev Occupywallst Richey
Alex Occupywallstreet Smith
Amber Occupywallstreet Oestreich
Bob Occupy Hobson.
So tell me folks, what are you protesting for, or getting ready to protest for ?
"Who's Word? Our Word."
First of all thank you Quiet Minortiy …. For this creative and unique opportunity to express myself in this venue… I love the virtural venue space of the comments column.
Let me first address “…word is we don’t even know what we are protesting for.”
Even as I retype that statement… I can feel myself open to the importance of not knowing. I feel the discomfort of a system demanding answers and clear solutions to sustain itself. I continue to witness and participate in that protest|demand paradigm in the Wisconsin Uprising. I am interested in participating in how Occupy Wall st is different. I recognize OWS' struggle to OPEN up and explore the issues and to consider the very essence of profoundly serious problems. I recognize this process as a courageous dismantling of a destructive and dysfunctional system. There is no way for ME to KNOW…. exactly what needs to happen and in exactly what order. I will have to enter into the process of exploration and discovery. I will have to commit to learning more and doing my research.
So I can understand that the claim that I do not know what I am protesting for could be seen as accurate in that it is based on an old paradigm which values KNOWING. Struggling to understand that, "not knowing" has a value will take significant time. This movement is aligning itself with a different way of knowing and understanding. The paths will need to be built and the development of new processes to achieve the deep transformations necessary to change our global trajectory. I trust and respect the work that all of you are doing. I am paying attention and contributing in a personally meaningful way. I am committed to the idea that everyone needs to be informed and if accurate information is available.. we the people will be able to make decisions that will lead us in new positive and sustainable directions…but we MUST KNOW and SHARE THE TRUTH. I look forward to working with all of you in dismantling our current world and rebuilding a better ONE for ALL.
P.S. I will have to consider the the second concern about boredom later...