Thursday, April 14, 2011

Anti-Union Hearings, Kucinich Grills Walker

Anti-Union Hearings, Kucinich Grills Walker
KUCINICH: Would you answer the question? How much money does it save, Governor?
WALKER: It doesn’t save any. [...]
648 views 04/14/11

Scott Walker Defends Hobbling Unions

Scott Walker Defends Hobbling Unions

Paul Ryan: Barack Obama helped me - Richard E. Cohen -

Paul Ryan: Barack Obama helped me - Richard E. Cohen -
"House Budget Committee chairman Paul Ryan today voiced confidence that the House will pass his budget tomorrow. And he said that President Obama’s attacks yesterday on his plan for crippling Medicare have strengthened Republican support for the proposal."

Sarah Palin Going To Wisconsin To Rally Tea Party Supporters

Sarah Palin Going To Wisconsin To Rally Tea Party Supporters

ExxonMobil is Number Two in Avoiding Taxes. Maybe Next Year It Will Surpass GE and be the Number One Corporate Deadbeat. |

ExxonMobil is Number Two in Avoiding Taxes. Maybe Next Year It Will Surpass GE and be the Number One Corporate Deadbeat. |

The Power of Shamelessness | Mother Jones

The Power of Shamelessness | Mother Jones

All Wisconsin Votes Unverified | Truthout

All Wisconsin Votes Unverified | Truthout

Rachel Maddow

Rachel Maddow

POLITICAL THEATER: As promised, Gov. Brian Schweitzer (of Montana) fired up his infamous 'VETO' branding irons

Article and Video included.

THE BEER PARTY and Keith Olbermann Fan Page shared this link on Facebook:
HELENA As promised, Gov. Brian Schweitzer on Wednesday fired up his infamous 'VETO' branding irons on the front steps of the Capitol and put the 'hot iron' to seven GOP-backed bills.

In one of the most spectacular productions of political theater in the Democrat's six years in office, Governor Schweitzer applied red-hot branding irons to wooden plaques representing bills ranging from a measure to repeal the Montana Medical Marijuana Act to a bill that would eliminate same-day voter registration, to one that would allow new open-pit gold and silver mines to ship materials to sites using the cyanide leaching process.

Larry Summers: Don't Blame Financial Innovation For Crisis (VIDEO)

Larry Summers: Don't Blame Financial Innovation For Crisis (VIDEO)

Rep. Crowley (D-NY) - Speechless

From: The Other 98% on Facebook 
The Tea Party Congress has been in session 100 days. How many jobs bills? Zero.

Rep. Joe Crowley delivered a speech on this, and it left us SPEECHLESS.



Posted On Defend Wisconsin by: Roger Hartwich III
"let's outnumber them!"


Wisconsin Citizens Show Up to Protest Tea Party's Anti-Worker, Anti-American Agenda | Autonomous Solidarity Organization

Wisconsin Citizens Show Up to Protest Tea Party's Anti-Worker, Anti-American Agenda | Autonomous Solidarity Organization

Blog | Progressive Democrats of America

Blog | Progressive Democrats of America
4.14.2011 - 11:23

Congressmen James McGovern and Richard Neal joined PDA by video at our event: From Madison To Massachusetts: How The Fight To Defend Worker Rights Is Ushering In A New Political Era Sunday April 10th, at Smith College. Watch their messages below.

The event also featured: John Nichols—author, Nation magazine political writer, and on-the-ground commentator from Wisconsin for Democracy Now! and MSNBC; Rep. Mike Capuano—Mass. 8th District; Michael Lighty—Policy Director California Nurses Association (CNA)/National Nurses United (NNU); Eve Weinbaum—Director of the UMass–Amherst Labor Center; Donna Johnson—President of the University Staff Association; Derek Doughty—President, GEO/UAW Local 2322; and State Sen. Jamie Eldridge—Middlesex and

Blog | Progressive Democrats of America

Blog | Progressive Democrats of America

Get Active | Progressive Democrats of America

Get Active | Progressive Democrats of America

TOOL TO FIND YOUR ELECTED OFFICIALS: Get Active | Progressive Democrats of America

Get Active | Progressive Democrats of America

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CALL TO ACTION: Vote on the “People’s Budget” Scheduled Tomorrow | Progressive Democrats of America

D.I.Y | All you need to find and contact your representative here: Ask him or her to vote for the “People's Budget"

Posted on Facebook by: Tony Lagace
Call yer Rep and help pull the budget debate back towards the center...
Vote on the “People’s Budget” Scheduled Tomorrow | Progressive Democrats of America

Your action now is critical. Watch this video from Democracy NOW! CPC Co-chair Raúl Grijalva (around minute 17:30) explains your importance in this fight.

CLICK HERE NOW: D.I.Y. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO TAKE ACTION: Vote on the “People’s Budget” Scheduled Tomorrow | Progressive Democrats of America

While the House Republicans pull President Obama to the right, PDA is joining with Congressional Progressive Caucus Chairs Grijalva and Ellison to demand the right policies. Help us build support for the “People’s Budget”.

Find and contact your representative here: Ask him or her to vote for the “People's Budget".
>CLICK HERE NOW: D.I.Y POLITICAL ACTION | HERE: Vote on the “People’s Budget” Scheduled Tomorrow | Progressive Democrats of America

Please Share this with everyone you know that cares....together we can create the change we all want...

Governor Walker Says First 100 Days Was B+ Effort - Politics News Story - WISN Milwaukee

Governor Walker Says First 100 Days Was B+ Effort - Politics News Story - WISN Milwaukee

"I Pay, You Pay, Why Doesn't B of A?": Are We Seeing the Birth of a Totally New Protest Movement? | Vision | AlterNet

"I Pay, You Pay, Why Doesn't B of A?": Are We Seeing the Birth of a Totally New Protest Movement? | Vision | AlterNet

"...UK Uncut is just a pressure group, you see – not Trotskyites, not Marxist-Leninists, not anarcho-syndicalists, not even social democrats – they just want the super-rich to pay their taxes like everyone else; and who, among even the most staunch of Daily Mail readers, could argue with that? Hardline ideologues may think it something of a sell-out to have to ditch the cloak of progressive ideology, to condescend to play by the rules of post-ideological politics and present themselves as just a pressure group, asking sweetly for reform: but at least UK Uncut is playing. More than that, they’re winning."

Maddow on Obama's Budget Speech: 'Unexpectedly Satisfying' | AlterNet

Maddow on Obama's Budget Speech: 'Unexpectedly Satisfying' | AlterNet

Fiscal Scandals: Goldman Sachs May Have Misled Investors, Banks Investigated for Collusion | AlterNet

Fiscal Scandals: Goldman Sachs May Have Misled Investors, Banks Investigated for Collusion | AlterNet

Hedge Fund Gamblers Earn the Same In One Hour As a Middle-Class Household Makes In Over 47 Years | | AlterNet

Hedge Fund Gamblers Earn the Same In One Hour As a Middle-Class Household Makes In Over 47 Years | | AlterNet
How rich are we?
"Just take a look at the latest reports on what the top hedge fund managers haul in. In 2010 John Paulson led the list with a record $4.9 billion in personal earnings. That’s a whopping $2.4 million an HOUR. Here’s a factoid to make you wretch: It would take the median US household over 47 years to earn as much as Paulson pocketed in just 60 minutes. And, every hedge fund manager pays a lower tax rate than the average family."

Senate Panel: 'Goldman Sachs Profited From Financial Crisis'

Senate Panel: 'Goldman Sachs Profited From Financial Crisis'

2011 Wisconsin protests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2011 Wisconsin protests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

GE Gives Back $3.7 Billion Tax Refund to America on Vimeo

GE Gives Back $3.7 Billion Tax Refund to America on Vimeo

Poll: Floridians Have Strong Buyers Remorse After Electing GOP Gov. Scott | TPMDC

Poll: Floridians Have Strong Buyers Remorse After Electing GOP Gov. Scott | TPMDC

"Scott's approval rating is so bad that the poll found him losing a hypothetical do-over election to Democrat Alex Sink by a ten-point margin, 41% to 31%.

Previous polls have also found Scott's job approval deep underwater, including a Quinnipiac poll released earlier this month that pegged his approval to disapproval split at 35% to 48%. A March PPP poll showed Scott with an even worse 32%-55% split, and found him losing a do-over election -- by a 20-point margin."

On Capitol Hill, Walker Defends Fight With Unions: "We Are Doing Something Truly Progressive" | TPMDC

On Capitol Hill, Walker Defends Fight With Unions: "We Are Doing Something Truly Progressive" | TPMDC

Rep. Cummings, Vermont Governor Shumlin Rip Into Scott Walker At Hearing | TPMDC

Rep. Cummings, Vermont Governor Shumlin Rip Into Scott Walker At Hearing | TPMDC
Posted on Facebook by:Not My Wisconsin
Great support for middle class families on the Hill today!
Rep. Cummings, Vermont Governor Shumlin Rip Into Scott Walker At Hearing
Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, on Capitol Hill for a hearing held by the House Oversight Committee on state budgets, had yet to even speak before Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) ripped into the Republican leader's anti-union record.

"I strongly oppose efforts to falsely blame middle-class American workers for these current economic problems," Cummings, the ranking Democrat on the committee, said in his opening statement. "This recession was not caused by them. Working America - fire fighters, teachers and nurses - are not responsible for the reckless actions of Wall Street, which led to this crisis in the first place."

Message From Doug LaFollette - please help

Messages - please help
Some technical difficulties... this post is coming soon...I will repost.Thanks

Contact Paul | U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan

Direct Link to Contact Paul Ryan NOW Contact Paul | U.S. Congressman Paul Ryan

""He's going to 19 communities from Monday through April 29. His district includes parts or all of Rock, Racine, Walworth, Kenosha, Waukesha and Milwaukee counties."

For More Info about Paul Ryan here is a link to another page on this blog Paul Ryan to visit Wisconin next week | Contact Paul Ryan

Ryan Comes Back To District To Talk About Federal Budget - Madison News Story - WISC Madison

Ryan Comes Back To District To Talk About Federal Budget - Madison News Story - WISC Madison
Ryan Comes Back To District To Talk About Federal Budget
Will Visit 19 Communities In 10 Days

"He's going to 19 communities from Monday through April 29. His district includes parts or all of Rock, Racine, Walworth, Kenosha, Waukesha and Milwaukee counties.

Ryan is the House Budget Committee chairman and his budget proposal has been embraced by the House Republican leadership. He wants to reduce spending by more than $5 trillion over 10 years with structural overhauls to Medicare and Medicaid while also making permanent all Bush-era tax cuts."Full Info Here - Madison News Story - WISC Madison

Posted: 6:55 am CDT April 14, 2011Updated: 7:36 am CDT April 14, 2011 JANESVILLE, Wis. --

Prepare for Ryan's Visit. Click Here for more information: D.I.Y | Easy to Follow: Simple Steps to Activate Your Voice

Madison Wisconsin News, Madison Weather And Wisconsin Sports - WISC-TV

Madison Wisconsin News, Madison Weather And Wisconsin Sports - WISC-TV

Posted on Facebook by:540,000 To See Scott Walker out of WI, January 2012
Judge Sumi is expected to issue a decision in a day or two about whether to dismiss the lawsuit challenging the process the senate used to pass 2011 Wisconsin Act 10 (the union busting bill).
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