Saturday, April 23, 2011

Janesville - Rock County: Video: Paul Ryan's Democratic Challenger Steps Up

Janesville - Rock County: Video: Paul Ryan's Democratic Challenger Steps Up

In the Spotlight | Business for Shared Prosperity

In the Spotlight | Business for Shared Prosperity

Janesville - Rock County: Ryan's Tax Reform Makes Loopholes For The Wealthy Permanent

Janesville - Rock County: Ryan's Tax Reform Makes Loopholes For The Wealthy Permanent

Janesville - Rock County: Paul Ryan Claims His Budget Will Pay Off Debt

Janesville - Rock County: Paul Ryan Claims His Budget Will Pay Off Debt

Maddow: Ignoring the Progressive Budget Plan

Maddow: Ignoring the Progressive Budget Plan

Illegal Immigrants Paid $11.2 Billion in Taxes Last Year—GE Paid Zero | Progressive Democrats of America

Illegal Immigrants Paid $11.2 Billion in Taxes Last Year—GE Paid Zero | Progressive Democrats of America

Maddow: Ignoring the Progressive Budget Plan

Maddow: Ignoring the Progressive Budget Plan

Tell Sen. Durbin: Don't put Social Security on the chopping block.

Tell Sen. Durbin: Don't put Social Security on the chopping block.

Fighting Bob - Telling the truth about taxes

Fighting Bob - Telling the truth about taxes

Fighting Bob - Sick joke

Fighting Bob - Sick joke

Fighting Bob - GarveyBlog - They won't slow down

Fighting Bob - GarveyBlog - They won't slow down

Fighting Bob - GarveyBlog - Labor

Fighting Bob - GarveyBlog - Labor

Wanna Buy a Turnpike? -

Wanna Buy a Turnpike? -

Wanna Buy a Turnpike? | Defend Wisconsin

Wanna Buy a Turnpike? | Defend Wisconsin

Budget bill to cut health care funding - Fourth Estate - News

Budget bill to cut health care funding - Fourth Estate - News

Budget bill to cut health care funding | Defend Wisconsin

Budget bill to cut health care funding | Defend Wisconsin

More Questions Of Koch Brothers’ Fingers In Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Pie As ‘Jason’ Identity Revealed? - Rick Ungar - The Policy Page - Forbes

More Questions Of Koch Brothers’ Fingers In Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Pie As ‘Jason’ Identity Revealed? - Rick Ungar - The Policy Page - Forbes

The Fake Budget Debate in Washington, D.C. |

The Fake Budget Debate in Washington, D.C. |

Protest ALEC – APRIL 29th, 2011 | See you in Cincinnati

Protest ALEC – APRIL 29th, 2011 | See you in Cincinnati

Behind Michigan's "Financial Martial Law": Corporations and Right-Wing Billionaires | Mother Jones

Behind Michigan's "Financial Martial Law": Corporations and Right-Wing Billionaires | Mother Jones

"The think tank that inspired Gov. Rick Snyder's controversial bill is bankrolled by some of the same donors that funded Wisconsin's attack on unions." Wed Mar. 23, 2011 | Andy Kroll | Mother Jones

"The Mackinac Center’s is a fervent advocate of privatization—its scholars support outsourcing everything from public school districts to Amtrak to state prisons—and backs anti-union legislation for Michigan. In 2007, the center published "A Collective Bargaining Primer," advocating against mandatory unionization and automatic dues deductions for public school teachers and other public employees. Collective bargaining for teachers, the Center claims, "has become a significant deterrent to educational quality." In other words, if you outsource as much as you can and kneecap the unions, the quality of education—and presumably city services—increases.

That position is in line with the beliefs of its donors. In 2009, Amway and Wal-Mart were among the 3,100 businesses that signed a letter opposing the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), which would've made it easier for employees to unionize; that same year, Wal-Mart spent $7.4 million on lobbying, much of it to defeat EFCA. (The law failed.) The Koch brothers, meanwhile, fund an array of organizations opposed to unions, including the advocacy group Americans for Prosperity, the Cato Institute, and the Reason Foundation. With the Mackinaw Center, it seems, their investment is paying off."


Click Here to watchAndy Kroll discuss the following story on MSNBC's "The Ed Show."Full Article | Mother Jones

Click Here to watch

Posted on Heartland Revolution Facebook Page by | Diane Hebert
Link to Heartland Revolution Facebook Page | Our democracy is being hijacked by anonymous money-changers seeking to further a right wing ideology designed to suppress blue-collar America while further enriching the wealthiest interests. We are committed to combating this in every corner of the country.

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The End Of The Tea Party? | MoveOn.Org

The End Of The Tea Party? | MoveOn.Org

Daily Kos: Benton Harbor: Separating Fact from Fiction

Daily Kos: Benton Harbor: Separating Fact from Fiction

Heartland Revolution (heartlandrev) on Twitter

Heartland Revolution (heartlandrev) on Twitter

Michigan-style financial bill may still be in the works for Wisconsin - Isthmus | The Daily Page

Michigan-style financial bill may still be in the works for Wisconsin - Isthmus | The Daily Page

Eclectablog | Local | Ann Arbor, MIchigan


BLOGPAGE Eclectablog


Experts Skeptical State is Truly Broke | Chippewa News (LOCAL)

Full Article Here | Experts skeptical state is truly broke

MADISON — In his inaugural budget address, Gov. Scott Walker stood before a joint session of the Legislature and delivered the somber news: We’re broke.

“Too many politicians have failed to tell the truth about our financial crisis,” he said. “The facts are clear: Wisconsin is broke and it’s time to start paying our bills today so our kids are not stuck with even bigger bills tomorrow.”

The governor has repeated the message time and again, from his Inauguration Day speech to a “fireside chat” to discuss his proposal to limit collective bargaining for most public employees. It is usually followed by calls for budget cuts.

Trouble is, many experts say Wisconsin isn’t really broke." Full Local Article | Chippewa News

Michigan Stands for Democracy

Michigan Stands for Democracy



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FACEBOOK PAGE |Follow the Benton Harbor Rally here | Heartland Revolution

04.15.11 | Benton Harbor emergency manager strips power from all elected officials | Michigan Messenger

Benton Harbor emergency manager strips power from all elected officials | Michigan Messenger

Investors: ‘No downside to loss of local control’ | Michigan Messenger

Investors: ‘No downside to loss of local control’ | Michigan Messenger | RSS Feeds | RSS Feeds

Experts skeptical state is truly broke

Experts skeptical state is truly broke

“Wisconsin is Republican broke, but it’s not broke,” said Mordecai Lee, a UW-Milwaukee political science professor. Anyone who's been paying attention knows we aren't really broke. Here is some intelligent analysis of the situation. Perhaps useful if you find yourself in an argument with a Republican.
MADISON — In his inaugural budget address, Gov. Scott Walker stood before a joint session of the Legislature and delivered