Tuesday, July 12, 2011

10 Million Solar Roofs - Newsroom: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont)

10 Million Solar Roofs - Newsroom: U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont)
High On Quack and Bernie Sanders shared a link.
The Senate energy committee on Tuesday considered a bill that would lower the cost of solar power and put the United States on track to install 10 million solar systems on homes and businesses by 2020. The bill by Sen. Bernie Sanders focuses on lowering the cost of solar energy by helping communitie
2 minutes ago ·

Election tampering full of KOCH? | PolitiScoop

Election tampering full of KOCH? | PolitiScoop
This was a blatant attempt by individuals and organizations to tamper with today's primary election. With so much riding on the line, both Democrats and Republicans should be outraged at this nefarious attempt to again call into question the integrity of a Wisconsin election. http://www.politiscoop.com/com​ponent/content/article/35-last​-24h-news/395-election-tamperi​ng-full-of-koch.html
Americans for Prosperity and Right to Life meddle in Wisconsin Primary? Wisconsin -- Many Wisconsinites are receiving robo calls from a few different numbers alerting them: 'That they would be mailed

Anonymous Joins Wisconsin Protests: Takes Out Americans For Prosperity

Anonymous Joins Wisconsin Protests: Takes Out Americans For Prosperity
The cyber protest group Anonymous has joined the protesters of Wisconsin and Americans all across this country in the battle against what they described as the “Koch brothers attempt usurp democracy.” The opening salvo in Anon’s OpWisconsin occurred today when the Koch brothers funded Americans for
Sunday at 8:59pm · · ·

    • Mary Magnuson Oh, really? Haven't seen Anonymous. HAVE seen a lot of everyday, working people, tho.
    • Bill Bucolo This is an interesting development that may deeply impact our elections over the next couple years.
      Sunday at 9:01pm ·
    • Bill Bucolo I doubt you'll see them as much as see the effects of their activity.
      Sunday at 9:02pm · · 1 personLoading...
    • Mary Magnuson ‎... and you won't. they're full of nonsense!
      Sunday at 9:20pm · · 1 personLoading...
    • Dianne Carry this is the first time anonymous has called koch out by name - lets hope it is an awakening that will spread as the pee party is pretty tied to what anonymous says.
      Sunday at 9:51pm · · 4 peopleLoading...
    • Kevin Kratsch
      Jen, "jam the credit cards and paypal" ? what does that mean? I would like to hear more about this and from a reputable source. the power suppliers they mention in the article, makes sense, Chris Cline is a mining magnate one of the ultra w...ealthy right wingers, most likely working with the kochs in placing extremist polititians in office. But, this is PoliticusUSA, I take things w/a grain of salt from these underground papers. they run on sensationalism.See More
      Sunday at 10:57pm · · 1 personLoading...
    • Dael V Escher I was waiting for this.. thx Bill Bucolo
      Sunday at 11:01pm · · 2 peopleLoading...
    • Dael V Escher Mary Magnuson lol ok
      Sunday at 11:04pm · · 1 personLoading...
    • Sal Dobbs Damned nice job.
      Sunday at 11:13pm · · 3 peopleLoading...
    • Joyce McCloy June 28 2011: "The MasterCard website has been forced offline by a cyber attack, the credit card firm confirmed" http://www.telegraph.co.uk​/technology/news/8603629/M​asterCard-website-attacked​-by-hackers.html
      Yesterday at 1:36am ·
    • Joyce McCloy
      July 8 2011 MSNBC: Anonymous claims hack on FBI partner site, shares databases - "Anonymous gained notoriety for its denial-of-service attacks on Visa and MasterCard late last year. Those attacks were retribution, Anonymous said, because... the companies halted online donations during the WikiLeaks controversy, blocking contributions to Bradley Manning, the accused document leaker now in custody." http://technolog.msnbc.msn​.com/_news/2011/07/08/7043​037-anonymous-claims-hack-​on-fbi-partner-site-shares​-databasesSee More
      Yesterday at 1:39am ·
    • Jeannie Dean
      Thanks, Joyce McCloy! Kevin, with all due respect - you really should, as a general rule, google the info the folks here are providing before discrediting and challenging them and their sources outright. This seems to be a pattern, and coul...d easily be seen as disrespectful. I understand your reasons to mistrust assertions you've not heard of before, but the folks posting here generally know what they're talking. We have expert citizen observers posting here, and well...experts. All kinds. Try to have a little more faith in your fellow posters here at E.I., and please just do a simple google search. Anonymous has been incredibly active with the PAYPAL hack (and others) and it's pretty common knowledge. In fact, it caused a mass exodus from PAYPAL that I took part in months ago. People are STILL dropping PAYPAL like a hot potato...See More
      Yesterday at 2:48am · · 1 personLoading...
    • Nirtana Goodma Guess one better carry some cash......
      Yesterday at 6:55am ·
    • Karen Smith
      nevr done anything worthwhile? just last week they hacked the florida elections website not once but twice,just to show how easy it is...they back the whistleblowers(god forebid we the people should know what our goverment is doing)...and s...pecifically they exposed hb gary for targeting thinkprogress and bradblog ,and guess what brads sin against "the powers that be" is..he wants hcpb and transparent elections and goverment....folks stop getting your news from the msm,read raw story..it is not a bad compilation of current events or maybe someone has a source they like better but do not trust the msm to tell you the truth....rant over and asks my nsa watcher,how are you today? lolSee More
      21 hours ago · · 2 peopleLoading...
    • Dianne Carry post articles - news releases - we need to SHARE this informaiton- there is a lot of information taking place there that needs to be shared - whoever runs this site please put a "share button" on here - or some one please cut and paste any articles you feel are informative concerning stolen elections - data on machines - inventors funders of machines.
      20 hours ago ·
    • Jeannie Dean Dianne Carry - Dael, Nirtana and I admin this page for Steve Freeman (www.electionintegrity.org). It's really just the three of us with help from our members since we're just a volunteer citizen collective. We have no SHARE button (or LIKE button) because FB stripped the SHARE button from Group pages several weeks ago, gave us the "SUBSCRIBE" button instead.
      20 hours ago ·
    • Dianne Carry is subscribe same as "share"
      20 hours ago ·
    • Jeannie Dean
      We have a TON of limitations here that make streamlining our networking a bit messy, as you have been quick to point out. You're 100% correct, btw, and I've been doing everything in my power, working on grants and funding till I've gone car...pel tunnel limp trying to get us a centralized site in addition to this forum. We are thrilled that so many peeps have found us - keep in mind we just started this FB page on April 10th in response to the SC anomalies our experts like Karen Smith and Richard Charnin were tracking.See More
      20 hours ago ·
    • Jeannie Dean Good question, Dianne...I haven't tried the subscribe button for some reason. I don't think it's serves the same function...trying it now.
      20 hours ago ·
    • Jeannie Dean
      Yah, it doesn't seem to do anything. I think it just connects you to the poster, somehow links you to the posts or the person you're "subscribing" to but there is no visible action - can't determine the functionality. Facebook was never int...ended to be used this way (was meant for spying on ex-boyfriends and old classmates) tho' it's WONDERFUL that it's given us the ability to find one another and share info for free. The FB algorithm is inspired - grows our membership just by virtue of the number of people seeing our posts...See More
      20 hours ago · · 1 personLoading...
    • Jeannie Dean
      ‎...on the downside, we lose posts from the fast scroll, hard to cache anything and keep the most pertinent, curated info up top (thanks to Roberta Retrum for all the info / links that help us attempt do this) and we can not vet members - h...as to stay an "open group" in order to grow, which we like...so this is NOT a secure network for this kind of communique. Still, we're doing ok considering we have so much on our plate, so few resources, no money a 'tall and very few trolls trying to divert and divide us. Still, this is not ideal...trying to fix, but not sure it's within my power to do so.See More
      20 hours ago ·
    • Jeannie Dean Dael V Escher and I have been pounding on doors for help now for over two months. Not a whole lot of response, truth be told. Dianne Carry - I have a complete prospectus for A WI RECALL project that outlines my vision for an interactive web-channel. If you'd like a copy (anyone who'd like a copy) - just email message me your hard email, and I'll send it along for your review.
      20 hours ago ·
    • Roberta Retrum Links are easier to keep track of than posts with no links....I know someone who owns a page and takes the links,sorted by topic, and reputs them in the notes section of the page....I don't know how to do that, but maybe someone else does
      20 hours ago · · 1 personLoading...
    • Dianne Carry all of it is wayyyyyy over my head - although i know links to stuff ususally provides articles etc which i LOVE to share.
      20 hours ago · · 1 personLoading...
    • Gregory Filipczak Anonymous exposed a group of defense contractors, Team Themis, who have provided the US Chamber of Commerce with spy technology developed for homeland security. The biggest business lobby using data mining against its political enemies! http://ijish.livejournal.c​om/31910.html
      16 hours ago ·

GOP Denies Jobs Creation Bills, Wastes Taxpayer Money, and An Open Letter To Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs! « segwayjeremy

GOP Denies Jobs Creation Bills, Wastes Taxpayer Money, and An Open Letter To Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs! « segwayjeremy

Robocalls from Virginia tell Wisconsin recall voters to stay home |

Robocalls from Virginia tell Wisconsin recall voters to stay home |
Hmmm RT @pamelaoldham: RT @bluecheddar1: Robocalls from D.C. tell Wisconsin recall voters to stay home http://t.co/3tlr4Bo #WIrecall
There's a robocall telling people absentee ballots are in the mail and telling them NOT to go to the polls tomorrow. It's coming from the 703 area code (D.C.), and we need to get a recording of it and the phone number. SPREAD THE WORD and ask people to help. Added information is: 703 is Northern Vir

Who’s behind all those school voucher bills? Koch, Scaife, DeVos & other far-right billionaires… :: News From Underground

Who’s behind all those school voucher bills? Koch, Scaife, DeVos & other far-right billionaires… :: News From Underground

"The DeVos family crusade to eradicate public education has targeted Pennsylvania, and a voucher bill may come to a vote in the PA Senate as early as Tuesday. It’s being marketed as a solution to save public schools, but the big donors are tied to right-wing think tanks that openly advocate, and strategize, the end of public education. How can vouchers improve public schools if the people mobilizing the movement intend to eradicate public education? Regardless of your personal stance on “school choice,” it’s important to know who is behind the voucher movement and the agenda they don’t share with the public or advertise in their media campaigns."

WI State Superintendent calls Walker’s voucher expansion plan “morally wrong” :: News From Underground

WI State Superintendent calls Walker’s voucher expansion plan “morally wrong” :: News From Underground

Pro-voucher Tea-bag group comes clean: They want to “shut down public schools” :: News From Underground

Pro-voucher Tea-bag group comes clean: They want to “shut down public schools” :: News From Underground

Obama Doesn't Want a Progressive Deficit Deal | Rolling Stone Politics | Taibblog | Matt Taibbi on Politics and the Economy

Obama Doesn't Want a Progressive Deficit Deal | Rolling Stone Politics | Taibblog | Matt Taibbi on Politics and the Economy

The Annotated Frank Rich - The President’s Failure to Demand a Reckoning From the Moneyed Interests Who Brought the Economy Down -- New York Magazine

The Annotated Frank Rich - The President’s Failure to Demand a Reckoning From the Moneyed Interests Who Brought the Economy Down -- New York Magazine

Frank Rich Blasts Obama For Letting Wall Street Off the Hook | Rolling Stone Politics | Taibblog | Matt Taibbi on Politics and the Economy

Frank Rich Blasts Obama For Letting Wall Street Off the Hook | Rolling Stone Politics | Taibblog | Matt Taibbi on Politics and the Economy
A lot of people are talking about Frank Rich’s explosive new article in New York magazine. I think it is a remarkable thing, the latest and maybe the most comprehensive in an increasingly lengthy series of articles and investigations into the Obama administration’s failure to properly investigate the causes of the financial crisis.

Recall Election Information | Defend Wisconsin

Recall Election Information | Defend Wisconsin
Six Republican senators and three Democratic senators face recall elections in the largest recall season in Wisconsin history. If Democrats can hold onto their seats and take three more, they will regain control of the state Senate. That would give them a counterweight to the agenda of Walker, which has seen virtually no opposition as the GOP controls both houses of the Legislature. You can learn more about the candidates here, and read the nine reasons to reclaim Wisconsin for the people.

Fighting Bob - GarveyBlog - The butler did it!

Fighting Bob - GarveyBlog - The butler did it!
"The excitable David Prosser, who once, middle finger protruding, rushed forward while shouting at the acting Assembly chair, "No way! No way! I will I meet in your office" shouted Prosser. I am not speculating--I was there and so was our videographer. Prosser did not like the idea of "liberals" with a camera capturing the floor debate on the budget." Ed Garvey

Public hearing on redistricting plan, July 13 | Defend Wisconsin

Public hearing on redistricting plan, July 13 | Defend Wisconsin

Fighting Bob - Banking it in

Fighting Bob - Banking it in

"Meanwhile, the Wisconsin Bankers Association has been busy as bees persuading legislators that Wisconsin will be a better place when shareholder banks take over those tight-fisted credit unions. What’s that, you ask? Why would a credit union, my credit union for example, become a bank? Are credit unions for sale? (I must check eBay.) Well, not exactly for sale but Governor Scott Walker with help from the Fitz boys slipped a provision into the budget that will make it easier for the “wise” credit union directors to “convert” a CU into a shareholder-owned bank if they feel like it. Who cares if the depositors want to convert? I am not making this up." Ed Garvey

The Budget-Slashing Hysteria's Latest Victim: Legal Aid for the Poor | Mother Jones

The Budget-Slashing Hysteria's Latest Victim: Legal Aid for the Poor | Mother Jones

The BRAD BLOG : Ohio's Republican SoS: GOP Photo ID Bill Does Not Protect Against Fraud, Excludes Legal Voters

The BRAD BLOG : Ohio's Republican SoS: GOP Photo ID Bill Does Not Protect Against Fraud, Excludes Legal Voters