Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wall Street Protesters Sue City as Demonstration Continues - Businessweek

Wall Street Protesters Sue City as Demonstration Continues - Businessweek
Oct. 4 (Bloomberg) -- Wall Street protesters arrested in a march across the Brooklyn Bridge sued New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly for allegedly violating their constitutional rights.
Wall Street protesters arrested in a march across the Brooklyn Bridge sued New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly for allegedly violating their constitutional rights.

Incredible Speech By Wall Street Protester "End The Fed" 2011 - YouTube

Incredible Speech By Wall Street Protester "End The Fed" 2011 - YouTube
This guy is awesome, please share this video and if you can get involved, the time is NOW. JP Morgan actually FUNDS The New York City Police Department: Sour...

Ben Bernanke on ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protest: I can’t blame them | The Raw Story

Ben Bernanke on ‘Occupy Wall Street’ protest: I can’t blame them | The Raw Story

Uploaded by on Oct 4, 2011

"I think they're really touching a nerve," Sen. Bernie Sanders said Tuesday of protests on Wall Street that have inspired demonstrations from Burlington, Vt., to Los Angeles. "The nerve is that the average American understands that as a result of the greed and the recklessness and the illegal behavior on Wall Street, these guys plunged us into the horrendous recession that we're in right now." Even Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke allowed that there was "excessive risk taking" by Wall Street when Sanders questioned him on Tuesday about the root causes of the recession and the concerns voiced by protesters. "They blame, with some justification, the financial sector with getting us into this mess," Bernanke told another member of the Joint Economic Committee. "I can't blame them," he added. Text | Youtube

"Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and others questioned Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Tuesday about the ongoing “Occupy Wall Street” protest in lower Manhattan.

“Chairman, as you know, there are people demonstrating against Wall Street in New York City and other cities around the country, and I think the perception on the part of these demonstrators and millions of other Americans is that as a result of the greed, the recklessness and the illegal behavior on Wall Street, we were plunged into the horrendous recession that we’re in right now,” Sanders said at a Joint Economic Committee hearing on the economic outlook.

“Do you agree with that assessment?” he asked Bernanke. “Did Wall Street’s greed and recklessness cause this recession, that lead to so many people losing their jobs?”

Bernanke responded that excessive risk taking on Wall Street and the failure of financial regulators “had a lot to do” with the recession." Full Text Here| The Raw Story

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‘Occupy Boston’ protesters gather outside ‘fascist’ Fox affiliate | The Raw Story

‘Occupy Boston’ protesters gather outside ‘fascist’ Fox affiliate | The Raw Story

Occupy Wall Street Protests: The Mystery Of The Missing Middle Age Masses | Addicting Info

Occupy Wall Street Protests: The Mystery Of The Missing Middle Age Masses | Addicting Info
Joe Braun shared a link
Have the children of the 70s and 80s lost the will to fight? Did they ever have it to begin with?

Web of Debt - How Banks And The Federal Reserve Are Bankrupting The Planet...

Web of Debt - How Banks And The Federal Reserve Are Bankrupting The Planet...

Ellen Brown has used Web of Debt to expose important information regarding out nation's debt and the dwindling spiral of our economy.

Occupy Wall St.

Occupy Wall St.
This is a list of people who shared this information with others..thank You to all of you.
High On Quack and 18 other friendsPatrick Fricke
Deb Romilly
Maude Swift
Preston Enright
I will get more"Likes"than Scott Walker
You Can Not Have Wisconsin
Occupy San Diego
The Raw Story
Jonathan Occupywallstreet Unruh
David Rochelero
Cindy Hadden
Okupacja Polska
Barbara Nyhus
Occupy Nashville
Leslie Chasse
Lee Conklin
Occupy Austin
Fred Edie McGill
shared a link.
www.rawstory.comNobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz showed up at “Occupy Wall Street” this week to show his support for the protest and clearly outline what he sees as the worst crimes of the American financial sector.

Phil Aroneanu: Why Environmentalists Should Occupy Wall Street

Phil Aroneanu: Why Environmentalists Should Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Victoria B.C and 5 other friendsTar Sands Action
Preston Enright
Leslie Chasse
Li Lightfoot
shared a link.
www.huffingtonpost.comWhile from an outside perspective the Occupy Wall Street protests might seem disorganized, their message is clear: If Wall Street is occupying the State Department and the halls of Congress, its time for the people to occupy Wall Street

TWU blasts city for putting handcuffed Occupy Wall Street protesters on buses - Infoshop News

TWU blasts city for putting handcuffed Occupy Wall Street protesters on buses - Infoshop News

Hannah Miyamoto via Barbara With
  • ‎...the union spokesman called on the City of New York to rent privately-owned limousines to transport arrested protesters instead.
    "If the NYPD is going to abolish the Constitution, it should do it Classy! This is New York, the Greatest City in the World!," said the transport worker's representative.a
    The Transport Workers Union will go to court Monday to try to stop the city from forcing bus drivers to transport Wall Street protesters arrested by the NYPD, the Daily News has learned. The union, whose leaders voted last week to support the protesters, said police brass commandeered three MTA buse...

Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary Has A Message to Wisconsin at #OccupyWallStreet - YouTube

Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary Has A Message to Wisconsin at #OccupyWallStreet - YouTube
Recall Sen. Robert Cowles and 2 other friendsDebbie Konkol
Defend Wisconsin
shared a link.
www.youtube.comPeter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary stopped by #OccupyWallStreet to play some music with his son and daughter, I will be uploading that video soon. Peter ca...

Carl Occupywallst Gibson

Carl Occupywallst Gibson
‎"The American Left has been standing up and fighting all year. From the collective bargaining marches and recall efforts in Wisconsin and other states in February, to The Yes Men/US Uncut's prank on GE and subsequent weekend of actions in over 100 cities on tax day weekend, to liberal bird-dogging of Congressional Republicans during the August Recess, to 1,253 activists arrested to stop the Keyst...one XL pipeline, to the Occupy Wall Street movement and the dozens of similar occupation campaigns happening nationwide...Corporate-owned media can black it out and mock it all they want, but they're only delaying the inevitable."

It took me a minute, but I wanted to debunk the corporate media's criticisms of Occupy Wall St. and highlight the real, tangible demands of the 99 percenters. Read this and share it around with anyone you've heard scoff at the #occupy movement.

The revolution will be tweeted, liked and shared.

www.readersupportednews.orgOrdinary Americans, the other 99%, realize that the corporate takeover of our democracy will only worsen until we come together and demand new, sustainable economies and political structures uncorruptible by the influence of lobbying and corporate money. That's what's driving the occupytogether.org ..

Choose yourOWN PATH to FRANkllin Funace's Martha WILsoN


You can travel thru my blog post |
http://blogablebev.blogspot.com/2011/10/this-is-what.html |

Skip the blog post and go directly to the Live link to Martha https://www.facebook.com/occupynewhaven/posts/280356855326654?cmntid=280360928659580

or | J O I N O C C U P Y | New Haven FB page and search for Martha’s original Post yourself | https://www.facebook.com/occupynewhaven…Choose your OWN path but LET Martha know that you heard she is here supporting Occupy New Haven and stay connected for more information about this eXPReSIOn occupation.

Choose yourOWN PATH to FRANkllin Funace's Martha WILsoN

CHOOSE yourOWN PATH | to Martha Wilson
at Occupy New Havenhttp://blogablebev.blogspot.com/2011/10/this-is-what.html | Skip the blog post and go directly to the Live link to Martha |https://www.facebook.com/occupynewhaven/post/280356855326654?cmntid=280360928659580 or Join Occupy New Haven FB page and search for Martha’s original Post yourself | https://www.facebook.com/occupynewhavenChoose your path but LET Martha know that you heard she is here supporting Occupy New Haven and stay connected for more information about this occupation.

Martha Wilson is the founding director of NYC's Franklin Furnace

The Sarcastic Liberal: Progressive and abrasive: Occupy Boston day 4, Part 2

The Sarcastic Liberal: Progressive and abrasive: Occupy Boston day 4, Part 2Occupy Boston day 4, Part 2 | Here are several photos of both the accommodations at the Dewey Square site and the crowd that has taken up residence there.

Soon to be uploaded: Legal, Media, Information, and Facilitation
SEE & READ MORE HERE | the Sarcastic Liberal : Progressive and abrasive:
Occupy Boston day 4, Part 2

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