Sunday, September 25, 2011

Occupy Wall Street Is The Voice of A Generation, Catch Up Here (Pics, Video) | Addicting Info

Occupy Wall Street Is The Voice of A Generation, Catch Up Here (Pics, Video) | Addicting Info
Stacie Borrello posted to#OCCUPYWALLSTREET

By Flickr user David Shankbone

"The Revolution will not be televised, but it is being live-streamed right now. As I write, thousands of people are marching through New York City to Union Square. Even as many news outlets dismiss, ignore and blackout the Occupy Wall Street rebellion, the movement is gathering force like a wave that soon will crest and smash on the shore of capitalism.

Meanwhile, outsiders continue to minimize the spirit and stamina of the protest. (Man, I hope they prove them wrong). On Friday, the New York Times called the protests an “opportunity to air societal grievances as carnival” by people who have an “apparent wish to pantomime progressivism rather than practice it.” The article also described the “diffuse and leaderless” Occupy Wall Street movement as using “street theater” in a vain attempt to combat social ills like “greed, corporate influence, gross social inequality and other nasty byproducts of wayward capitalism.”" READ AND VIEW MORE HERE | addictinginfo

"I don’t think we should light ourselves on fire, but I do think if you have a backbone and a mind that thinks for itself you need to put down what you’re doing and contribute to the rising call for social and economic justice...." Tagged in post by Stacie Borrello