Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A day without rights in the Wisconsin State Assembly - YouTube

A day without rights in the Wisconsin State Assembly - YouTube

Uploaded by on Sep 14, 2011

Wisconsin has a LAW ss 19.90 which states "Whenever a governmental body holds a meeting in open session, the body shall make a reasonable effort to accommodate any person desiring to record, film or photograph the meeting."

Seems pretty straightforward, but the Assembly has a "rule" which bans any and all cameras from the gallery.

There was a recent US circuit court case about filming police where they ruled that citizens have the right to film public officials while in a public space, while they are serving in their public capacity and also included

"Gathering information about government officials in a form that can readily be disseminated to others serves a cardinal First Amendment interest,"

Also seems pretty straight forward, but not in WI with the Fitz's in charge. People were dragged out of the gallery using pain compliance and handcuffs simply for SILENTLY HOLDING A CAMERA DURING AN OPEN MEETING.