Monday, May 16, 2011

Take a lunch break against tax breaks! | US Uncut

Take a lunch break against tax breaks! | US Uncut

Have you been to Madison, Wisconsin recently? Its an amazing town.

Everywhere you turn in Madison, you're surrounded by people who are overcome with righteous passion for a just cause. You'll see "SOLIDARITY" banners in storefront windows. Artists on sidewalks all along State street protest the Walker regime with creative displays. College students are out in the streets wearing red shirts, talking excitedly about the good fight. Colorful chalk drawings cover the area around the state capitol, where passersby are offered a bullhorn by a young dude named Miles, who encourages people to freely speak their mind about the Walker administration and the painful cuts everyone faces.

Cars driving by honk out the this-is-what-democracy-looks-like rhythm as they pass protesters. Musicians plug in amplifiers and beat on drums on the capitol grounds as activists and locals mingle with one another, talking excitedly about recalling the politicians that let them down.

Even the cops are sympathetic to the protesters. Madison is a city that has embraced public demonstrations as a way of life. It is a city united by a cause, where everyone has a stake, and where everyone is engaged, involved and paying attention.

I want everyone to embrace the spirit of Madison, and spread it around in their own city. How do we do that? Easy. Full Article | US Uncut