Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Movement for Economic Sustainability (Global)

Movement for Economic Sustainability (Global)
"Note, the world economy IS a global system; we ARE all interconnected. No country is allowed to print its own money, they must all borrow and hence must all compete. Those who are least able to compete in the global economy therefore face destitution, for there is no global welfare floor; people will die unnecessarily for lack of food, water and medicines (or, more accurately, for lack of enough little pieces of paper to secure them) becuase thier economies are turned towards servicing their 'debt' rather than meeting the needs of their own people. In contrast, the developed world is wealthy because its companies and banks are powerful enough to ensure that the majority of that money flows in their direction or remains under their control (the people of the west are presumed to be benefitting from the 'trickle down' effect). At the highest level, global strategic foreign relations may be based on the desire by groups to control this debt-money system, leading to conflicts which can only end when all nations have been subdued/enslaved by one prevailing group."