Tuesday, March 29, 2011

taxjustice network

taxjustice network

Posted on Twitter by: USUncut US Uncut
Rich hide $18 Trillion hid in offshore tax shelters, everyone else gets budget cuts. http://bit.ly/eqbYpRhttp://bit.ly/eqbYpR thx @canadauncut

"Magnitudes: dirty money, lost taxes and offshore"

"The size of the offshore economy is hard to measure precisely, as a result of its fragmented nature, difficulties involved in defining it, and a pervasive culture of secrecy. International efforts to measure it often focus only on narrow aspects of it. For example, much effort is expended on measuring and tackling terrorist finances or (to a lesser extent) international bribery, but little attention is paid to problems on much, much larger scales -- such as commercial transfer mispricing abuses."