Thursday, April 14, 2011

"I Pay, You Pay, Why Doesn't B of A?": Are We Seeing the Birth of a Totally New Protest Movement? | Vision | AlterNet

"I Pay, You Pay, Why Doesn't B of A?": Are We Seeing the Birth of a Totally New Protest Movement? | Vision | AlterNet

"...UK Uncut is just a pressure group, you see – not Trotskyites, not Marxist-Leninists, not anarcho-syndicalists, not even social democrats – they just want the super-rich to pay their taxes like everyone else; and who, among even the most staunch of Daily Mail readers, could argue with that? Hardline ideologues may think it something of a sell-out to have to ditch the cloak of progressive ideology, to condescend to play by the rules of post-ideological politics and present themselves as just a pressure group, asking sweetly for reform: but at least UK Uncut is playing. More than that, they’re winning."