Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Worlds Call to Release Nikola Tesla's Technical and Scientific Research | Occupy Toledo

(8) Occupy Toledo
‎***share this link***, tell your friends about Tesla, speak of his work at your general assembly, start to organize in your local areas for a worldwide stand/demand on January 7th 2012

any skeptics, please try to prove me wrong, your research will show the truth.

The Energy Crisis is a lie, the problem was solved 100 years ago by a scientist named Nikola Tesla, He had discovered a way to harnes...s the naturally occurring electricity from the ionosphere, and then in turn rebroadcast it to individual relay stations that could be placed anywhere and were no larger then your average car antenna.

On January 7th 2012, the Anniversary of the death of one of history's most brilliant scientist, Nikola Tesla,we will stand together and demand his research into harnessing electricity from the ionosphere, at a facility called Wardenclyffe, be released to the public and action be taken to reconstruct what was lost to time, and covered by greed.

each primary tower could produce, renewable, safe, clean, electricity, and would then broadcast it wirelessly to points as far(as his experiments in Colorado springs showed) 30 miles away from the primary tower.

Nikola Tesla's primary investor, J.P. Morgan, thought he was investing in the world's first radio tower, but unknown to him, that was only one of its purposes and capabilities, the project was known as Wardenclyffe. When J.p. Morgan learned of the true capabilities of Wardenclyffe, the ability to harness an almost infinite amount of power and freely broadcast it wirelessly to anyone who had the proper antenna(with no way to monitor energy consumption) he immediately canceled all Tesla's funding. the pursuit of profit wiped one of the worlds most revolutionary inventions ever conceived under the carpet, and away from the eyes of history.

Upon Nikola Tesla's death on January 7th, 1943, The U.S. Government Immediately moved into his lab, and apartment, confiscating all his scientific research(including his work on Wardenclyffe and research on the ionosphere) to this day none of this research has been made public. this is a clear example of how corporate greed has bought our government, instead of providing this information for the benefit of ALL mankind, they have deliberately hidden it from public view, in order to prop up corporations such as the oil, natural gas, coal, and nuclear power industries.

it is time we stop looking towards these horrible alternatives to Gasoline, all of them are poisoning the planet, and draining the economies of the world. it is time we stand together and demand that Nikola Tesla's Research be released. so we can finally become a sustainable society.

On January 7th, 2012, The 69th anniversary of the loss of the Brilliant scientist Nikola Tesla, we will DEMAND that we stop being lied to. we must work in the present, with an eyes on our past, to build a future we can be proud to give our children.

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