Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dramatic video: 71-year-old taken to the ground for questioning Paul Ryan - YouTube

Dramatic video: 71-year-old taken to the ground for questioning Paul Ryan - YouTube

Paul Ryan NEEDS to be held accountable for his actions against the people!! Please keep sharing this, the world needs to know how our representative treats the people who dare to disagree with him.
"As Congressman Paul Ryan cracked a joke about him, Tom Nielsen found himself face down on the floor being handcuffed by police. The 71-year-old retired plumber from Kenosha was thrown to the ground, placed in handcuffs, and arrested for trespassing and resisting arrest after objecting to Ryan's plans to gut Social Security and Medicare during his congressman's only public appearance scheduled during the August recess -- a $15 Rotary Club luncheon in West Allis on Tuesday.

More News on RyanProtests: Protesters