Friday, September 16, 2011

Conference 2011 | The Progressive

Conference 2011 | The Progressive

Come to Madison!

Get the Latest on the Fight-Back
And Learn How to Write Editorials
(straight from The Progressive’s editors themselves)

- Saturday, October 15, 2011, at the Madison Concourse Hotel, half a block from the best farmers’ market in the country.
- In the morning, you’ll pick up the tricks of the commentary-writing trade from Matthew Rothschild and Amitabh Pal. After just this one clinic, you’ll be equipped to get your opinion published in your local paper. (Have you ever had writer’s block? We’ll help you get over it.)
- In the afternoon, you’ll get the inside scoop from activists who’vebeen leading the labor uprising that’s been the talk of the nation!

So please sign up today, while room is still available. The cost of attending the conference is $99.00, not including food and lodging.

Call (608) 257-4626 and ask for Andrea.