Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Too Close to Call In Wisconsin, As Challenger Wrestles Walker Justice to a Virtual Tie | The Nation

Too Close to Call In Wisconsin, As Challenger Wrestles Walker Justice to a Virtual Tie | The Nation

Posted on Twitter by: psecundaWrkProf
RT @geoff9cow: "Too Close to Call In WI, As Challenger Wrestles Walker Justice to a Virtual Tie" John Nichols

"Unknown sixth months ago, unviable six weeks ago, first-time candidate JoAnne Kloppenburg has wrestled a senior justice on the Wisconsin Supreme Court to an electoral tie. And in so doing she has opened a remarkable new chapter in the story of the political uprising that began when Republican Governor Scott Walker launched his assault on public employee unions, public schools and local democracy in Wisconsin."

"There could be weeks, even months of wrangling over ballots and counts. But one result has already been confirmed: The referendum on Walker’s policies has sent an important signal. When a candidate who is not given a chance ties a senior justice on the state Supreme Court, when a newcomer ties one of the most entrenched political players in the state, and when these results can be linked to fury at a governor’s policies, that governor has nothing to celebrate. Something is changing in Wisconsin. A new politics is taking shape. And JoAnne Kloppenburg has been a beneficiary – along with the battered but unbeaten state of Wisconsin."