Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Free mortgage if you make your home into an Adzookie ad - Apr. 5, 2011

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Free mortgage if you make your home into an Adzookie ad - Apr. 5, 2011

Posted on Facebook by: Pronoblem Baalberith
Adzookie, a new word synonymous with arson.
Turn your house into a billboard, get free mortgage
Startup advertising firm Adzookie wants to turn homes into massive billboards. In exchange, the company will pay the house's mortgage.

"The home billboard scheme could raise the company's profile -- but don't expect too many homes to score the subsidized deal. Mendoza's budget for the entire program is $100,000, and he expects to spend about $8,000 per house on the painting alone.

At the end of the agreement, Adzookie will paint the house back to its original colors. Leases and rentals aren't allowed, nor are homes in cities with bylaws that would prohibit the bright painting."