Monday, March 14, 2011

What's News: Who are the best tweeps for following the 'FitzWalkerstan' saga?

What's News: Who are the best tweeps for following the 'FitzWalkerstan' saga?

CHRIS MURPHY | The Capital Times | | Posted: Monday, March 14, 2011 5:30 am

"Following the saga of Walker's budget repair bill has made me a Twitter addict. For a topic like this one, where news moves so quickly and on so many different fronts, it provides information faster than any other medium. Whether you're looking for on-the-ground accounts about what's happening at the Capitol, pronouncements from officials or takes from the dozens of reporters and bloggers who are following the story, follow enough people on Twitter and you'll get a steady stream of updates, links and snarky takes.

Here are some of my favorites I've accumulated over the past three weeks. Please tell me yours.

@GovWalker, of course, is a must-follow. The governor tweets regularly and is understandably quick to call attention to editorials that take his side. For critics, his most infamous tweet was "Had some chili w/Tonette as we watched @AmericanIdol," which came shortly after his budget address in which he announced plans to cut the budgets of schools, municipalities and universities by hundreds of millions. It sounded like "let them eat cake" to his many critics."