Thursday, April 5, 2012

Wisconsin County's Election-Count Meltdown Raises Concerns For Recall | The Nation

Wisconsin County's Election-Count Meltdown Raises Concerns For Recall | The Nation

After Wisconsinites voted Tuesday in presidential primary elections and contests for local posts, other countries across the state reported their returns so quickly that winners were being declared well before 10 pm.

Except in Waukesha County.

Nickolaus, who has frequently been criticized over the years for maintaining convoluted systems for vote counting, was in the middle of another massive screw up.

A new reporting program she had set up—along with a complicated set of procedures that required municipal clerks to deliver voting-machine memory packs and paper tapes with results to her—failed. As a result, according to media reports, "data collectors for election reporting services resorted to tabulating contested races from yards of paper tapes hanging on walls around a meeting room. The process was akin to reading a long grocery receipt where, in some cases, the tape stretched down the wall and onto the floor in a heap."

"Well into Wednesday," long after Republican presidential primary winner Mitt Romney (whose 44–37 victory over Rick Santorum relied on a big boost from Waukesha County), local media reported, "county staffers were entering every vote total for every candidate in every race and every municipality by hand, and then proofed them against the voting machine tapes before posting totals online." Full Article Here | The Nation