Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Carl Occupywallst Gibson

Carl Occupywallst Gibson
‎"The American Left has been standing up and fighting all year. From the collective bargaining marches and recall efforts in Wisconsin and other states in February, to The Yes Men/US Uncut's prank on GE and subsequent weekend of actions in over 100 cities on tax day weekend, to liberal bird-dogging of Congressional Republicans during the August Recess, to 1,253 activists arrested to stop the Keyst...one XL pipeline, to the Occupy Wall Street movement and the dozens of similar occupation campaigns happening nationwide...Corporate-owned media can black it out and mock it all they want, but they're only delaying the inevitable."

It took me a minute, but I wanted to debunk the corporate media's criticisms of Occupy Wall St. and highlight the real, tangible demands of the 99 percenters. Read this and share it around with anyone you've heard scoff at the #occupy movement.

The revolution will be tweeted, liked and shared.

www.readersupportednews.orgOrdinary Americans, the other 99%, realize that the corporate takeover of our democracy will only worsen until we come together and demand new, sustainable economies and political structures uncorruptible by the influence of lobbying and corporate money. That's what's driving the occupytogether.org ..