Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Who’s behind all those school voucher bills? Koch, Scaife, DeVos & other far-right billionaires… :: News From Underground

Who’s behind all those school voucher bills? Koch, Scaife, DeVos & other far-right billionaires… :: News From Underground

"The DeVos family crusade to eradicate public education has targeted Pennsylvania, and a voucher bill may come to a vote in the PA Senate as early as Tuesday. It’s being marketed as a solution to save public schools, but the big donors are tied to right-wing think tanks that openly advocate, and strategize, the end of public education. How can vouchers improve public schools if the people mobilizing the movement intend to eradicate public education? Regardless of your personal stance on “school choice,” it’s important to know who is behind the voucher movement and the agenda they don’t share with the public or advertise in their media campaigns."