Thursday, November 3, 2011

Why I Got Arrested in Madison. | Matt Rothschild
"What Walker and these Republicans are doing to this state is astonishingly brazen. They are like a pack of Cheneys. They do not respect democracy. The people are a nuisance to them. So are the laws. All they care about is power, and grabbing everything they can—for themselves, and their corporate cronies—while they still have it.

Every day that it’s in session, the Republican-dominated legislature has been pushing through one retrograde bill after another.

This, on top of the vicious assault on workers’ rights that we saw this spring, and the illegal way they did it, without proper notice, and the sham of a state supreme court ruling that validated the bill, and the illegal shutting down of the capitol to the public, and the attack on public education, Medicaid, racial justice, and the environment, to name just a few." Read Full Article Here

Thank you, Matt...
Thank you, Matt Rothschild, for standing up. Now we need to get the cops to stand down.
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