Monday, November 7, 2011

OpEdNews - Article: Finding Freedom In Handcuffs

John D Rachel
Chris Hedges functions at a level which most of us can only hope to achieve during the highest peaks of our personal human experience. This essay brilliantly elucidates the moral responsibility we each carry as human beings, a responsibility we either choose to ignore or choose to act on. OWS is not just about money. It is about good and evil. It is about each individual being connected, however r...emotely, to every other individual on the planet, and how well-intended institutions __ in our current institutional crisis this means corporations __ sometimes become horrible monstrosities that destroy the very prospect of being a human being. Please read when you have time to reflect on this amazing person's words.
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This corporate culture has stripped us of the right to express ourselves outside of the narrowly accepted confines of the established political order. It has turned us into compliant consumers. We are forced to surrender our voice. Full Article Here