Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Angela Davis at Occupy Wall St., NYC | NationofChange

Angela Davis at Occupy Wall St., NYC | NationofChange

Au­thor, ac­tivist, An­gela Davis spoke at Oc­cupy Wall St. in Wash­ing­ton Square Park on Sun­day Oc­to­ber 30. Thank­ing the OWS move­ment for trans­form­ing pol­i­tics in the uni­verse, she spoke to the bru­tal po­lice crack-down on the Oc­cupy en­camp­ment in her home town of Oak­land and sup­ported the call for a na­tional strike on No­vem­ber 2 in re­sponse to that vi­o­lence. She also spoke to the per­ils of lan­guage, call­ing on the move­ment to trans­form the mean­ing of the words oc­cu­pa­tion, democ­racy and unity.

Speak­ing through the "peo­ple's mic," Davis drew par­tic­u­lar at­ten­tion to ques­tions of in­clu­sion and urged the move­ment to em­brace a "com­plex unity" within the con­cept of "99 per­cent."Read Full article here |www.nationofchange.org

Bev Likehood Richey via Occupy The Hood“Milwaukee's Occupy the Hood organized a march for jobs, and againststate senate bill SB207. The march ended in a rally outside the vacantAO Smith factory on Milwaukee's north side.”…PLEASE "LIKE”OccupythehoodMKEhttps://www.facebook.com/pages/OccupytheHoodMKE/268550996522816… and help grow better informed communities by sharing this information with others.http://blogablebev.blogspot.com/2011/11/occupy-hood-milwaukee-youtube.html

Please Read, View, and share this inspiring speech with the people you care about......