Monday, October 3, 2011

The children of the 1% are sitting in classes in New Haven right now. |Meg Stearns McGaffin | Occupy New Haven

Occupy New Haven
"The children of the 1% are sitting in classes in New Haven right now. Can we engage some of them directly? They are the ones inheriting the fortunes, how can we influence their future decisions to benefit the people? When they own the corporations will they lower prices and pay their workers well or will they take multimillion bonuses and corrupt the political system?" Meg Stearns McGaffin
    • Christopher Cardia That fact is a big inspiration to me in all of this. Yale truly is an important battleground in that respect, and I think we should carefully consider how to proceed with that aspect of ONH.
      2 hours ago · · 2 peopleLoading...
    • Julie McGovern While it is true that some Yale students are arrogant and feel they own the world, there are some who are normal. I agree we need to be extremely careful. Ask yourself always, what would Ghandi do?
      2 hours ago ·
    • Meg Stearns McGaffin
      It's not a question of arrogance or normalcy or even a need to be careful. These future decision makers need to be invited to the conversation.
      They need to renounce corruption and understand the difference between greed and value. You can... make multiple millions in profits from an idea? Great. But those who make that dream a reality are just as important. The roads, education, health, environmental systems all play a role in creating wealth