Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Occupy the HoodMKE/ Kill AB286 & SB207 "Take Back the Hood"

Occupy the HoodMKE/ Kill AB286 & SB207 "Take Back the Hood"
Saturday, November 12 · 11:00am - 6:00pm


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Since 2007, our private corporate thugs and elected officials have tried to pass a bill that would disenfranchise felons from employment. In 2011, they are at it again with AB 286 and SB 207 which would make it legal to refuse employment and terminate from employment because of a felony conviction. As stated in today's law, if the "criminal" act was in relations to the description of the job, then that would make it legal for de...nial. In regards to the newly exile paper work legislation, it wouldn't matter if the person was convicted for a minor non violent act, such as possession of drugs, or failure to pay child support. There will be no separation from a 1st time felon to a ex-con. These bills tell a person no matter what happened in their past, you may never have a chance to work and feed yourself in Wisconsin again. This only leads to a revolving door of revocation and increasingly high prison rates, where big business will make a profit off the backs of those who can not fend for themselves. Scott Walker promised he would create jobs for Amerikkka, but he never said he would wipe out a segment of the disproportionate unemployed percentage. By passing this law, it would make all felons ineligible for employment in the state of Wisconsin, which would then allow Scott Walker to say the unemployment percent dropped, when in reality it was just eliminated. These bills are not only wrong; these bills are against Human Rights. KILL AB286 & SB207 NO MORE OPPRESSION
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