The Center for Media and Democracy released emails received from Open Records Request, detailing the high level of Cynthia Archer’s involvement in the Walker Administration. One of the Archer emails specifically contains a response to a request from Archer herself, on behalf of the Adminstration. Archer requests the top three overtime earners for state public employees. The corresponding spreadsheet shows that most of these public union employees are employed by the State Health Services (Nurse) or Department of Corrections (Corrections Officers). Scott Walker has long been on record as supporting privatization of Prisons AND State Health Services (especially health services in prisons). It is not difficult to connect the dots from Scott Walker’s agenda as County Executive/Governor to “pay-for-play” political promises of privatization. READ MORE | “Walkergate”
The Center for Media and Democracy released emails received from Open Records Request, detailing the high level of Cynthia Archer’s involvement in the Walker Administration. One of the Archer emails specifically contains a response to a request from Archer herself, on behalf of the Adminstration. Archer requests the top three overtime earners for state public employees. The corresponding spreadsheet shows that most of these public union employees are employed by the State Health Services (Nurse) or Department of Corrections (Corrections Officers). Scott Walker has long been on record as supporting privatization of Prisons AND State Health Services (especially health services in prisons). It is not difficult to connect the dots from Scott Walker’s agenda as County Executive/Governor to “pay-for-play” political promises of privatization. READ MORE | “Walkergate”