Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Revolution Begins at Home: A Clarion Call to Join the Wall Street Protests | | AlterNet

The Revolution Begins at Home: A Clarion Call to Join the Wall Street Protests | | AlterNet

"..., there are endless objections one can make. But if we focus on the possibilities, and shed our despair, our hesitancy and our cynicism, and collectively come to Wall Street with critical thinking, ideas and solidarity we can change the world.

How many times in your life do you get a chance to watch history unfold, to actively participate in building a better society, to come together with thousands of people where genuine democracy is the reality and not a fantasy?

For too long our minds have been chained by fear, by division, by impotence. The one thing the elite fear most is a great awakening. That day is here. Together we can seize it. ...We all need to go down and join the occupation -- ...". Read Full Article Here | AlterNet