Thursday, September 29, 2011

US Uncut The finest journalism I've seen yet about Occupy Wall St.

The finest...
The finest journalism I've seen yet about Occupy Wall St.

"If the police think we’ll go home just because they’re making things difficult, then the police don’t know how difficult things are at home. I’m eating better here, with all the donations and stuff. Back in 2008, I was so depressed that I wanted to kill myself. The only thing that stopped me was I couldn’t figure out how to do it without hurting my family."

This is happening right now in our country, and around the world. Get to Wall Street, or find an occupation near you at
‎1) I had brunch on Sunday in Chinatown with a friend who works in local television news. He complained that the Occupy Wall Street people had sent over video that they said showed demonstrators getting maced. It didn’t show any such thing, my friend insisted. After brunch I walked over to occupied Z...Read More Here