Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How The Koch Brothers Are Trying To Ruin A Basic American Right | MoveOn.Org

How The Koch Brothers Are Trying To Ruin A Basic American Right | MoveOn.Org

Jim Marczewski and 3 other peopleI will get more"Likes"than Scott Walker
Doug Waters
Liberals ROCK
shared a link.
This is what happens when a radical right agenda tries to bully its way into the public school system.
· about a minute ago
  • A must-see video. Share. This is why the Cons try to attack Soros. It's to obfuscate the real threat to Democracy....ALEC and Koch Bros. Fascist agenda.
  • A must-see video. Share. This is why the Cons try to attack Soros. It's to obfuscate the real threat to Democracy....ALEC and Koch Bros. Fascist agenda.