Tuesday, August 30, 2011

BuzzFlash.net - Progressive News and Commentary with an Attitude | Fight Ignorance: Read BuzzFlash

BuzzFlash.net - Progressive News and Commentary with an Attitude | Fight Ignorance: Read BuzzFlash

in each of the five recall exit polls conducted in Wisconsin, the Democrats did much better in the polls than in the official count (67.8% vs. 52.4% on average). Why the large discrepancies? Are those polls to be believed? This analysis provides a possible explanation, keeping in mind that it is based on a limited number of exit poll locations.

It is important to understand the difference between state and national exit polls in prior elections and those conducted in the Wisconsin recalls. The latter had a very simple aim: to compare how respondents said they voted to the official count. Unlike well-known state and national exit polls, the recall exit polls were not designed to determine how various demographic groups voted. http://buzzflash.net/story.php?id=1787847
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    • Marie D'Agosto Spike In order to effectively combat this and all that's to come, I think there needs to be an official legal team devoted to this ongoing problem, for example, Electionjustice much like Earthjustice.