Thursday, May 5, 2011

Save Jean Klock Park | Documentary Film | Art of the Steal

Save Jean Klock Park

Posted on Jean Klock Park by | Carl Medwedeff

Everyone interested in the story of how "politics" can be used to pervert the noble humanitarian intentions of charitable donors should be certain to view the film" "The Art of the Steal" and/or read the following Wikipedia link.

The Art of the Steal | Documentary Film

And hopefully make sure that this same fate does not occur with Jean Klock Park. Be vigilant!
The Art of the Steal (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Art of the Steal is a 2009 documentary film about efforts to break Albert C. Barnes's will and relocate the Barnes art collection from its longtime home in Lower Merion Township, Pennsylvania to Philadelphia.[1] The collection of late-19th- and early-20th-century art includes 181 Renoirs, 69 Céz

For More about Benton Harbor and Jean Klock Park,
use the internal google search function on the upper left hand side of this page.

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