Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Who Owns The News? Media Ownership By Corporations.

Who Owns The News? Media Ownership By Corporations.

US Uncut Ohio
Who Owns The News? Media Ownership By Corporations.
Who really owns the news media? Media consolidation has allowed corporations to own all the news we watch. CNN, ABC, Rupert Murdoch's Fox News, All Controlled by The Council On Foreign Relations.

"Major multinational corporations, Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds and Saudi Princes, all hell bent on protecting their own interests, choose what you will see on the nightly news and trick you into believing it is unbiased reporting. As we see below all the major news outlets, regardless of what they make you believe, contributed heavily to George W. Bush in both 2000 and 2004 so any argument that they are controlled by liberals evaporates. In this case they all supported the candidate that promised to allow consolidation of multiple media companies.

The very news stories that you are fed by the mainstream media are manipulated to mirror the public relations campaigns of companies that operate nuclear plants, sprawling theme parks that gobble up wetlands, defense contractors, oil companies and even Saudi Princes. Remember the old "Outer Limits" TV shows where the announcer says "We control everything you see and hear, the vertical, the horizontal," etc? The corporate controlled news media controls all you see and hear."