Wednesday, March 9, 2011

US Uncut crashes Bank of America Conference

Uploaded by 100ProofPolitics on Mar 8, 2011

Ever want to yell at 300 billionaires and millionaires who helped wreck the economy? US Uncut did just that.

At Bank of America's first Investor Conference in three years (3/8/11), organizers from US Uncut crashed the event to protest corporate tax dodgers and public service cuts. The room was packed with 300 hedge fund managers, institutional investors, & asset managers.

The video says it all with US Uncut's simple message:

"When corporations like Bank of America don't pay their fair share of taxes, we have to 'cut' teachers, firefighters, and public servants."

"Do you pay your taxes? So do we. Why don't corporations pay their fair share, just like everyone else?"

"Bank of America is Bad for America. Bank of America pockets Billions in profits and bailouts, but $0 in American taxes - that's immoral and un-American."

Join us for Action at, on facebook here, and on twitter @usuncut (spread the word: #usuncut).

The revolution will be tweeted, liked, & shared. We the People Win. #epic @usuncut #usuncut