Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Governor Cuomo to New York's Poor and Middle Class: Drop Dead | Mother Jones

Governor Cuomo to New York's Poor and Middle Class: Drop Dead | Mother Jones

Posted on Twitter by: MotherJones Mother Jones
NY has the highest income inequality in the US. Gov Cuomo is NOT helping this http://mojo.ly/gPvIXm

By James Ridgeway
Tue Mar. 29, 2011 6:15 AM PDT

"There is no country in the industrial world with as great an income disparity between the rich and poor as the United States. And within the US, there is no state where the disparity is more pronounced than New York. New York City was the center of the Great Recession, and today unemployment there stands at 9 percent and is not expected to drop any time soon. At the same time, the financial sector that caused it all has recovered nicely, and the executives are pulling down salaries and perks larger than they did before the recession."